Dragonkin Species in Avalor | World Anvil
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In ancient times, there existed an all-encompassing and all-powerful dragon god known as the Concordant Dragon, Asgorath. Asgorath was a neutral deity that provided great balance to the multiverse. To protect the creations of the first gods, he built both chromatic and metallic dragons in his image. These first dragons affectionately called their creator "Io".   During the Founding, when the gods fought with the primordials over the Material Plane, Asgorath was cornered and cleaved in half by the adamantine axe of the King of Terror, Erek-Hus. No sooner as Asgorath had died, his two halves rose up as the dragon gods Bahamut and Tiamat, who joined forces for the only time in their lives and killed Erek-Hus before the primordial had even a chance to celebrate his victory. Legend states that from the blood spilled by Asgorath from his mortal wound, Bahamut and Tiamat formed the first dragonkin.  

A Prideful People

  Various versions of this myth exist among dragonkin, particularly in relation to the creation of the dragonborn. In some versions, Io created the dragonborn at the same time as he created the dragons, establishing a natural order: all dragonkin were created to serve dragons. Other stories said that Io created the dragonborn before the dragons or any other humanoid race existed, as the pinnacle of perfection the other gods used as inspiration to create the humanoid races, pale imitations of dragonborn. Regardless of interpretation, there is a perceived innate greatness among dragonkin.   Most dragonkin hold great pride and respect for their heritage. Dragons, after all, are considered some of the most powerful and intelligent beings of the Material Plane, with some even being worshipped as divine idols. Dragonkin believe the blood that runs through their bodies is the same blood that runs through Bahamut and Tiamat, causing some to believe they are a favored people. Some keep this sentiment to themselves, while others wind up being seen as egotistical by other races due to their air of superiority.  

Chromatic or Metallic

  Ever since the creation of both Bahamut and Tiamat, all of dragonkin has fallen victim to an age-old schism. Dragonborn have very strong visible ties to either chromatic or metallic dragons, while kobolds, although usually a muddled reddish color, identify strongly with chromatic dragons. Some dragonborn, particularly dragonborn who overcome urges towards evil alignment, see the conflict between their founding gods as petty and choose to walk their own path. Other dragonkin see themselves as the favored beings and servants of a particular dragon god and lead pious lives, trying to emulate the dignity and cruelty of the Scaled Tyrant or the righteousness and compassion of the Platinum Dragon.  

Sardior, the Ruby Dragon

  In some pockets of Avalor, elusive gem dragonkin exist. According to legend, these people are the creation of Sardior, "first-born of the dragonkind." Poems and scriptures suggest that "ruby-red" Sardior was Asgorath's first creation. Following his demise, Sardior would go on exist as almost a sibling of Bahamut and Tiamat, trying to quell their fervid disputes. Most dragonkin believe that Sardior was destroyed and shattered during the Calamity and that the Ruby Dragon's splintered consciousness became the gem dragons and dragonborn of the Material Plane.
Genetic Descendants

Articles under Dragonkin


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