Giantkin Species in Avalor | World Anvil
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Giant-kin are large humanoids with lineage that ties back to giants. An ancient race of tall human-like creatures, the world once quaked beneath the giants' feet. In those lost days, these towering figures were dragon slayers, dreamers, crafters, and kings, but their kind fell from glory long before the Divergence. However, even divided among secluded clans scattered throughout the world, the giants maintain the customs and traditions of old—as do their humanoid descendants.   Any race that can trace lineage back to giants, from the mountain-dwelling goliaths to the forest warden firbolgs, is considered giant-kin. These races typically stand well above normal humanoids, reaching heights as high as 8 feet. They also share a number of traits with their ancestors, from firm stoicism to furious martial prowess and strength.
Genetic Descendants

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