Half-Breed Species in Avalor | World Anvil
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Half-breeds are any race created as a result of the union between two humanoid creatures of disparate origins. Creatures considered half-breed are exclusively the offspring of two distinct races; their appearance was not altered by magical forces, nor were they deliberately created or cursed by any sort of greater power.   The experience of a half-breed can differ greatly depending on their place of origin. In many of the multiracial cities of Avalor, half-breeds are commonplace, often times being celebrated as a symbol of racial unity or as genetically representing the best of both worlds. However, in homogenous or rural communities, they may be looked down upon. These half-breeds struggle to fit in with a community that considers them to be impure outsiders. Many half-breeds wind up resorting to adventuring as a form of escapism.   The half-breed races below are generally considered to be the offspring of a human and another race, but should you desire to play the offspring of another two races (say, an elf and a dwarf), consult your DM. In some cases, the racial traits provided may be sufficient with a little re-flavoring, while in other cases, further homebrew may be necessary.

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