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The exact details of how Netherrim was destroyed are lost to time. During the great Founding War, The Holy Order of the Lawful Patriarch formed the The Great, Holy, and Pious Alliance of Kingdoms to fight off the warriors of what is now known as Netherrim.   This land was once a vibrant alliance of city-states, that were allegedly quite culturally and technologically advanced. Of course, no such proof of this exists in the current day. Apparently, winning the war required every Chosen of the time to join together against them. Many of the events of this war are likely more metaphorical than factual. For example, their Iron War Titalns were likely Giants wearing plate mail.   At the end of the war, the entire region was desolated, the fertile soils and teaming corral reefs completely wiped from the map. This is likely due to a combination of factors, including soil erosion and other natural phenomena. It seems equally unlikely that a war could truly have this destructive power.   Those that survived the war formed a number of separate clans or tribes in order to survive in the wasteland. Due to its complete lack of resources and defensive positions, no pre-existing country claimed a stake in the land. This area was dubbed the Netherrim Waste around 0 BC. There has been silence from the region until the few decades.   A decade ago, an unknown but charismatic leader marched on Easterglen, taking a massive chunk out of the southern farmlands. He had spent quite some time uniting the various groups who'd adapted to survival in the wastes over the past centuries. The self-proclaimed Peoples of Netherrim have begun building cities and farms in the area, leading raids and conquering the territories of Gold Rocks, Easterglen, The Great, Holy, and Pious Alliance of Kingdoms, and up as far as Amberreach. The generals of the army know how to push heavy terrain advantage that they have in the wastes over to the heavily armored, horse-reliant, or sea-faring armies of their armies.  
Founding Date
0 AC
Geopolitical, Stratocracy
Alternative Names
Netherrim Wastes
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Barter system

Out of Diplomatic Range

Functionally out of diplomatic range


Functionally out of diplomatic range, Barrenbreak is not particularly concerned about being invaded since Netherrim forces have historically struggled underground. They also did not participate in the 0 AC war.


Not particularly concerned with each other. 


Many citizens of Bluewall blame the current people of Netherrim for the curse. Citizens of Netherrim fear the mysterious curse and disappearances associated with Bluewall. The Law Order is a much more pressing matter for both groups.