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Bluewall is a small island off the coast of Netherrim. The settlement on the island is surrounded, perhaps unsurprising, by a blue wall. It is debated among northern scholars if the wall is literal, magical, or even metaphorical.   Only those with express permission are allowed entry to the city. Others are left outside the walls where the islands curse sickens them or driven away by the Nereid protectors of the area.   The island used to be a part of Netherrim, but was cursed just the incident that led to the Netherrim wastes. Only a select few families being able to live upon it. It is unclear how the city provides itself with food and water, considering most crops are subject to the curse as well.   Oddly enough, sometimes visitors are allowed on the island but there reports are must different than those of errant curse resistant family members. People presumed dead or missing have lived there many years, thought to be completely gone, only to suddenly return on a ship escorted by Nereids.

Families of Bluewall

There are five main families that have freedom to enter and exit Bluewall.   The first is the Kanok family. Long ago, they escaped the desolate lair of a Spirit Naga and fled to the island. Almost all members of the family have deep purple scales.   The Kai family is a family of humans whose ancestors once lived in the Plane of Air serving a great and evil air elemental. His great evil cursed them, causing them to emit sot-like smoke. They aren’t welcome in many other countries and found Bluewall the only place they could live comfortably. Any Sylphs, regardless of ancestry, who manifest this strange miasma are happily adopted into the family. Children born of this family who do not find themselves covered in cloying fog are quickly sent off the island.   The Olaf family is descended from a clan of Azoicmound alchemists and brewers. Their ancient founder was accused of plotting against the core tenants of the country and her entire family was to be sent to death. They escaped and fled to the island, willing to risk its curse only to find they were not affected by it.   Lastly, there are the water dwelling Maelstrom family. Originally from Levinea , their ancestor fell in love with one of the Nereids who lived near the cursed island. The original ancestor could not bear the curse and got sick often. But the Nereid crafted them a heart shaped amulet that protected them from both the Nereids touch and the curse of the island. When their children were born, they were innately able to withstand the islands‘ curse.   Oddly enough, creatures of the opossum family are plentiful on the island.
Founding Date
~10 AC
Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Neighboring Nations


A few Druids are unaffected by the curse and occasionally come to visit. This has led to friendly relations despite their great distance.

Out of Diplomatic Range

Too far away to have strong feelings on each other.

Out of Diplomatic Range

Too far away to have strong feelings on each other.


Many citizens of Bluewall blame the current people of Netherrim for the curse. Citizens of Netherrim fear the mysterious curse and disappearances associated with Bluewall. The Law Order is a much more pressing matter for both groups.

Busy with Other Things

The Wizard Lords do not like the mystery of the curse. The Maelstrom family still remembers the cruelty of the Wizard Lords.