BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 36 - Dec 15th, 2023

General Summary

  • korkau! :D
  • time for downtime stuffs

Week 1

  • Adelaide: approached by a cleric in vanis hometown named Leylah Fulford, shes older, has been doing this her whole life, approaches her asking for her advice. she asks to help plan festival of spring bc of the maiden, adelaide agrees. big banquet, adelaide pays bakery for many breads. she helps build tiny structure dedicated to the other gods, has the vibes of ppl celebrating good things and its generally a good time!
  • D'volta: making business grow :) with Hamiko of the Winter Wind from arcanum and Tawdrywilde. reopening trade routes
  • Sinani: hes with the druids. theyre doing ok. but now ppl are coming to him for help with rituals bc hes like one of the highest level casters there! gets closer with Mytiphe
  • Yivin: safe house design!
  • Korkau: cleared out a soldier graveyard and raised an army of undead. to terrify the northern reigon :)
  • Vani: helping fix up the town. specifically help grandpa and bc dog doesnt have eyes!

Week 2

  • Adelaide: been casting sending and getting more screams back in return. but also something else! theres a pattern! it spells out Valane.
  • D'volta: dvolta messages 100 men!
  • Sinani: druids finding a ton of refugees from Barrenbreak and the edges of Fallencall. sinani is helping out with them and has dvoltas help with temporary housing with then & growing the population.
  • Yivin: foreman's son is sick! its medicine resistant form of the common cold, yivin helps, the kid gets better.
  • Korkau: made friends with Vlad the Vampire and got them to evacuate and go on vacation but on vacation is going to take the place of some noble family that korkau doesnt like. vampys shouldnt be killing people but can feed on criminals & soldiers.
  • Vani: some raiders decide they can move in on territory of guts berserk (vani). they are captained by a guy who is lvl 3. vani knocks them all out. drags them into the woods and tells them very sternly to not do it again.

Week 3

  • Adelaide: adelaides traveling back home! which is in Netherrim. she is going based off of landmarks which are drastically changed to her. getting closer and closer to the farm, her core starts to glow. she reaches a point where she gets closer to the ground it grows brighter, so she starts digging and finds a lock box. its got the symbols that are on her core, and is also glowing. she holds it close to her core and unlocks, revealing a sheet of metal with writing in utopian, a packet of seeds that are native flowers to netherrim and symbolize happiness and are called adelaides. :) theres a knit hat that is perfectly adelaides size.
  • D'volta: dvolta messages :)
  • Sinani: there are ppl from Zan's section of Fallencall (zan is off on the boat) that are wanting to leave, wanting to cross the border to Ravenyard. sinanis able to help them cross, big battles, protection. he checks in with other ppl in fallencall, and is able to bring them to ravenyard with the permission of An.
  • Yivin: more ppl came to them for healing, accidentally made a hospital! druids came to help purify the well water because it was making ppl sick!
  • Korkau: we cast a ritual that made all of the soldiers not know who their friends and allies are! cool! :) put a pin in cursing the pope's bloodline.
  • Vani: ppl started hearing abt the village, more refugees started showing up! so vani took some party funds to help make a little came for them, use his skills to help the ones he can with healing. village happily took them in bc vani said pwease

Week 4

  • Adelaide: she gets a scroll of pinpoint and gives it to dvolta to learn and cast and um. they cast it Erasmus's soul, its flickering in and out like a radio frequency which is not how the spell works! it is in the dead center of Valane abt 100ft off the ground.
  • D'volta: decided to take a break to teleport to the edge of the world, oh shit theres an edge of the world. teleports around if you hit it. theres a center to the world, there isnt supposed to be! world is 4000miles in radius in hemisphere, maybe sphere, yet to confirm downward direction. giant guardian beasts that dont like ppl messing with it. extremely high level magic, check it out later? center is in the tristate area!
  • Sinani: sinani meets w person he got the handmedowns from! name is Lillyanna and is the mirror of Elowen . She agorran, has a plant creature for an eidolon. theyve been fighting devils in the plane of earth, but the devils have become very busy with something else. elowan was lonely and talked to the mirror, and thats how lillyanna came about by being dragged out there. new friend and ally for planar stuffs! :D
  • Yivin: safehouse is safe! druid that came down decided to stay and help with the hospital!
  • Korkau: finally parted ways, and established bffs forever. korkau can call him up if ever need to. buddy is Aijinghou
  • Vani: village is turning more into a city now! so many ppl here! they decide it needs a name, so they named it Stonehaven in honor of vani :D (cries). he learned how to bake bread!
  • LEVEL 15
Report Date
16 Dec 2023