BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 38 - Jan 5th, 2024

General Summary

  • creature in tower is all the souls that perished in Netherrim as a being
  • it was just taking the form of Erasmus because it thought it would be comforting
  • it's trying to go back in time to kill Lucius Valerius and prevent it's own creation
  • which would fuck up a lot of things!
  • it believes its creation was a great injustice. its right, but
  • Adelaide and it talked
  • trying to convince it to change it's ways, it responds with. this is why im here this is my purpose
  • adelaides like. well my purpose was farming and i sucked but i found a new one!
  • and its like. well that sucks for you. this is MY purpose
  • more of that
  • party is starting to talk like. ok should we kill it right
  • we fight it
  • adelaide kills it
  • shatters into a bunch of pieces
  • they start to fizzle and fade away
  • one sticks around and leaves a scratch on adelaides chest over where her heart would be
  • we do call the spirit!
  • adelaide asks her dad some questions
  • adelaide asks whatever happened when she was put to sleep
  • erasmus was sent to war and didnt want to create beings with souls to fight (they wanted to send adelaide) and he didnt want to do that
  • so he made a bunch of soulless automatons
  • the elders called him to fight (everyone got called to fight)
  • it didnt go well, obvs
  • erasmus's creations are what killed Maya Blossomflower
  • all the automatons in Valane are derived from his creations, so he takes responsibility for them
  • adelaide asks her dad if he wants to come back, he says he doesnt know if he deserves to, but adelaide offers to help give him a second chance
  • sinani's gonna make him a new body bc the old one is Old and he was struggling and that's why he built adelaide
  • many tears were shed
  • LEVEL UP 16
Report Date
12 Jan 2024