BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 41 - Feb 2nd, 2024

General Summary

  • We d'Volta taxi to The Temple Of Death :)
  • theres a giant fuckin shadow plane skeleton down there
  • people claim its Nex Umbra 
  • its not
  • we have to get rid of it to get the items there or it would cause Many Problems
  • prob. not worth it rn
  • nah
  • we go to The Grove of Cycles to the monastery
  • we ask abt Vidrin the Serene 's items
  • they're being guarded by the spirits of the kids he protected who became Real Good at martial arts and then decided to dedicate themselves to protecting his stuff
  • we decide we dont need his stuff either
  • fuck that guy (/j)
  • 4 days downtime
  • we go to Welterglow!
  • Yivin and Vani check in on the field hospital and help expand it
  • Adelaide hangs out with Erasmus and has some father daughter tinkering time
  • we go to Valane !
  • we find the people there
  • they are. on the fucking struggle bus. no more overseer means no more clockwork means NO MORE ANYTHING
  • they are STARVING!!!!!!! they dont have NAMES!!!!
  • we meet 93 (hes important to me)
  • we gather them all into the Planar Palace and they eat real food for the first time
  • we build a boat over 4 more days
  • d'Volta fucking levels the city of Valane
  • we take the people to Stonehaven
  • the mayor and people of stonehaven are like. oh! oh my!!! uh!!!
  • but they CANT say no because we saved them,,,, sweats
  • its okay we help them settle in and we build houses and they get to pet Sunshine
  • first puppy experience EVER!!! it goes well bc Sunshine is the goodest girl in the whole wide world
  • some people are choosing names! 93 keeps his name number because he's proud of it!
  • we go fucking beat up Pride now so help me god
Report Date
02 Feb 2024


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