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The Grove of Cycles

Long ago, The Grove of Cycles was traditionally only accessible to those who could travel through tree networks. Within the Grove it is said an ancient beast, as wise as he was good. Powerful Druids would go here to seek his wisdom and beseech his aid.   During the tumultuous rule of The Raven King, many villagers of Ravenyard were displaced. The wise creature and his followers opened the river pass to allow them safe haven. When the Clans of Barrenbreak formed, those with a penchant for chaos found themselves restricted. The beast again allowed them to live within his domain. More recently, when the Lunahelm Raiders swept up the coast, the Druids opened the mountain pass and allowed them to join their home.   Anyone is welcome to live in the Valley, so long as they are good and respectful of nature. The wise creature is considered now to be more of a metaphor for natures wisdom. The Grove itself is now a thriving city grown from trees and existing at one with the natural world.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Economic System
Gift economy
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations


A few Druids are unaffected by the curse and occasionally come to visit. This has led to friendly relations despite their great distance.