Order of the White Lotus Organization in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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Order of the White Lotus

The Order of the White Lotus, also simply known as the White Lotus, was formed by a small group of ex-members of the Order of the Lotus who believed The Order of the Lotus had become corrupt. Namely, members of the White Lotus believed the leader of the Order of the Lotus, Xeno, had begun leading the Order of the Lotus toward a vision different than Avatar Gan's original vision. Avatar Gan's original intent for the Order of the Lotus was to merely ensure peace and cooperatoin between the nations. But, members of the White Lotus felt the Order of the Lotus under Xeno has moved far beyond the original goal of the Order by excersing enormous power over the affairs of nations, controlling nearly every aspect of their governments.   The White Lotus seeks to undermine the power and authority of the Order of the Lotus in order to keep all the nations of the Earth free and independent.   With the passing of Avatar Gan, the White Lotus began racing to find the new Avatar before Xeno and the Order of the Lotus could.   Members of the White Lotus include Huraal, Caedis, and Sunaret.
Civilian, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Order of Teratai
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Related Ranks & Titles

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