Caedis Character in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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Outcast of the Blood Tribes

Caedis (a.k.a. Eagle's Talon)

Deception. Blood. Corruption. These things have defined the life of Caedis more than any other. Trained in the ways of Blood-Bending before the age of 18, Caedis quickly grew into manhood before most his age. The weight of responsibility and destiny fell heavily on his shoulders. But, one man can only take so much. The breaking point came when Caedis joined the covert operatives in the Earth Kingdom during Xeno's ascension to the throne. Since then, Caedis' mind has been shattered and life thrown into shambles...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very fit and athletic. Scrawny arms and fingers.

Identifying Characteristics

Messy red hair

Special abilities

Blood-Bending - Caedis is considered to be the best Blood-Bender alive by the time of PotL, though he only reveals his true abilities to a very few

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Being the son of a Blood-bender is not an easy life. It brings with it constant ridicule and a certain stigma simply for being born that way. Sure, Caedis wasn't an actual Blood-bender until he trained to be one at 17, but that didn't matter. It didn't matter either that the Blood Tribes were officially under the protection of the Earth King. He still was an outcast from most of Earth Kingdom society.   Growing up in the Forest of the Blood-benders (otherwise known as the Greater Northwestern Forest), Caedis quickly learned how to hide in the shadows, both from his parents in the forest and from bullies in the Earth Kingdom cities. Caedis was trained to become a member of the Blood-Tribes from a young age, which meant he received extensive training in Blood-Bending. Once Caedis reached the level of "acolyte" within Blood-Bending at age 17, he was to perform a ritual which would determine his role within the Blood-Tribes and if he could continue his training in Blood-Bending beyond the "acolyte" stage.   The Blood-Tribe ritual determined Caedis could become a full member of the Blood-Tribes, but he could not continue his training in Blood-Bending. Caedis protested this determination and re-took the ritual multiple times. But, the result of the ritual never changed. To the elders of the Blood-Tribes, this meant Caedis was destined to never become a master of Blood-Bending. Caedis was then given two options - become a full member of the Blood-Tribe and stay at the level "acolyte" within Blood-Bending forever or be cast out of the Blood-Tribes and never return. To Caedis, being stuck at the level of "acolyte" was unacceptable. Caedis chose to leave the Blood-Tribes forever.   Just 17 years old and alone in the world, Caedis wondered the United Earth Kingdom for around a year, but he couldn't quite connect with anyone he met. There was something markedly different about Caedis besides his Blood Bending. He showed no emotion and no empathy towards any of the Earth Peoples. Whenever he did anything, good or bad, Caedis had no feelings and no remorse. Eventually, Caedis' lack of respect for rules and people would land him in the jails of Ba Sing Se.   When threat of war arose in the Eastern Earth Kingdom, the High Earth King, Xeno, sought warriors from all casts, including prisoners. Given a chance at freedom, Caedis answered the call. Caedis, however, was special and was hand-picked out from the rest of the regular volunteers for his unique expertise in covert actions and the fact he was a Blood-bender. During his time as a covert operative, Caedis became a self-taught Master of Blood-Bending, due to often using his mission targets as bending practice...   Caedis, through his accomplishments on the battlefield (and behind it), quickly rose through the ranks and eventually into the court of the Earth King as the Head Spymaster of the Earth Kingdom at just 24 years of age. While in the King's Court, Caedis was widely known to have an unmatched intellect and knowledge of war-strategy. However, Caedis brought with this an ego which was equally as big as his smarts. Eventually, Caedis' stubbornness over refusing to defer command to General Shori in front of the Earth King caused Caedis to be discharged from his position.   Life after service was very hard for Caedis. He was still an outcast of society in the Earth Kingdom because of his Blood-bending, and he had not been back to the Greater Northwestern Forest in years. On top of this, Caedis' sanity after service was completely shattered, as he suffered from PTSD from his high risk covert operations he was constantly dispatched on, as well as having a feeling of no control over his life since he felt like no one wanted him. When a few of Caedis' old Blood-Bending friends eventually came looking for him after they heard he was at large, they found him in rags and unconscious in a back alley of Ba Sing Se, seemingly have drunken himself almost to death.   Through the practices of the Blood-Bending healers back in the Greater Northwestern Forest, Caedis was able to rehabilitate from his state of addiction and was received back into his Blood-Tribe family with open arms. Caedis' experience in the Earth King's Court gave him a relatively high level of expertise in state-craft which many in the Blood-Tribe lacked. As such, Caedis was asked to become the new Leader of the Blood-Tribes since the previous leader had passed away. However, Caedis turned down the role, feeling he had no place with the Blood Benders.   Caedis has since become a member of the Spirit Benders. It seems that with the Spirit Benders Caedis has regained the physical and mental health he had before his service. However, Caedis still carries with him something to this day which could not be cured even by the Blood-Healers, the mental scars of his war days and his less than deserved childhood...

Personality Characteristics


Wishes to see the Avatar take down Xeno out of spite.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvy with statecraft and negotiating

Likes & Dislikes

Obsessed with Pai-Sho

Virtues & Personality perks

Smart Truthful (mostly)

Vices & Personality flaws

Lacks empathy No Remorse Not afraid to tear people apart (literally)

Personality Quirks

Obsessed with playing Pai Sho.   Talks to himself.   Rarely stays on topic/goes on tangents often.


Hair and beard usually dirty and wild


Contacts & Relations

Onar Huraal Sunaret

Social Aptitude

Can become anyone/anything he needs to be in the moment


Constantly observing his surroundings in an almost paranoid way. Sometimes moves his fingers while talking


Fast-talking, quick witted most of the time.   Soft pitch.



Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Caedis




Familiar (Trivial)

Towards Sunaret




Friend (Important)

Towards Onar




Friend (Trivial)

Towards Caedis



Psychopathic outcast who once was the second most powerful man of the Earth Kingdom. His unkept appearance reflects well his unkept demeanor and attitude towards life.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Spymaster of Earth Kingdom (former)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
5 ft 6 in
130 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
“But… Blood Bending is evil!” “Evil, is it? Tell me, what matters more? Actions or motivations? … The correct answer is both. But the reality of Good or Evil relies upon neither. If you are to become the Avatar, I hope that is a lesson you learn to understand…
  • Teratai and Caedis

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