The Lion's Pass Geographic Location in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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The Lion's Pass

Between the Mountains of Gao Shan lies a pass of unmatched beauty, said to have been hand-crafted by the lion-turtles of old - thus, its nickname, "the Lion's Pass." Over time, the Lion's Pass became a strategic choke point between the Eastern Peninsula and the Earth Mainland. One could not travel to the other without entering the pass or making the treacherous climb over the mountains. Because of this, the pass has seen violent confrontation more than a few times. The most notable event in its violent history is the Battle of Gao Shan, when the Earth Kingdom of Ba Sing Se won a decisive victory over their Peninsulan enemies.

The Pass is currently an outpost of the Earth Kingdom of Ba Sing Se.
Alternative Name(s)
The Pass of Gao Shan
Mountain Pass
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Ruling/Owning Rank
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