Vantium-Clad Class Cruiser Vehicle in Avendora | World Anvil

Vantium-Clad Class Cruiser


4 multi-directional macro ion pulse thrusters as well as gravitic impulse drivers arrayed through the hull's interior allow this ship to execute precise maneuvers with a high level of speed and accuracy, though not quite at the level of other Saurian ships of similar classes due to its higher amount of physical armor and subsequent increase in mass.

Weapons & Armament

x2 Hyper acceleration rail cannons   x6 Coil-assisted 35" cannons   x6 80mm "Mutant" rippers   x24 Missile tubes

Armor and defense

Vantium  composite selectively malleable armor (VCSMA), electricity heat and laser refractive hexagonal plates (EHLRHP), and advanced magnetic and force shielding projection, in addition to extremely refined electro magnetic pulse (EMP) and radio and transmission jamming protection. Vanties also have some of the thickest physical armor in their class, and that not in place of better force shielding. In fact, Vanties have a force shield projection array at their bows, capable of reinforcing the front portion of the force shield enough to ram other vessels without incurring damage on its own hull. As for physical armor, these ships have a maximum armor thickness of 67" with an average armor thickness of 30". In addition, its 80mm "Mutant" rippers are capable of firing air burst munitions specialized for destroying incoming missiles, shells, and even plasma/laser bolts.

Hangars & docked vessels

6 hangers, 3 on each side. Standard load is space fighters and bombers.
ISVS (Imperial Saurian Void Ship)
Owning Organization
20,341 currently in service
2.25 miles
Complement / Crew
5,344 souls


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