Pate Character in Aventyr | World Anvil
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"This young man is one of the most affable fellows I've ever met... and he likes candy almost as much as me!" - from the journals of Old Jass

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Pate is a young man who was saved from being ground up into drugs along with many other Quicklings kidnapped for this purpose. His father, also imprisoned with Pate, was killed assisting the Knights of the Golden Order in defeating Thodd, preacher and drug manufacturer. Unwilling to return to the Feywild, Pate became an unofficial member of the Knights of the Golden Order.   Pate was charmed by the bad-boy antics of Therien Darkmoon and together they tried to poison Aaron Bur for Thrick Smith.   Pate has always struggled with his kind's innate sociopathic evil. Not wanting to offend his friends, but truly not able to tell right from wrong, he visited the Night Court. There he was given a boon which would help him to identify those who were evil. While it's not clear how his boon works, he sees red dots over individuals who he should kill and blue dots over those he would call friends.   Trevor, the captain of the Zolt, decided to make Pate honourary captain to help him with his confidence. However, Pate proved to be a superlative leader and tripled the crew's wages. It wasn't long before the crew accepted him as captain and Trevor was demoted to first mate.   Later, Kelso and Pate form an alliance and agreed that the two ships should combine, literally. Then they took their new, more powerful ship, through the Far-Realm Tear to see what they could find in the chaotic, dangerous land.
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