kingdom of Dranor Organization in Ayer | World Anvil
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kingdom of Dranor

The Kingdom of Dranor is a unique nation with a rich history and culture, having only emerged as a major power in Ayer over the past 80 years. The kingdom is situated in the eastern region of Caldor, which is known for its rugged terrain and harsh weather. This has helped shape the orcish culture of Dranor, which places a strong emphasis on strength, resilience, and survival. At the heart of Dranor's society is the tribal structure, which is organized around a system of alliances and hierarchies under the leadership of War Chief Ruud Iron Tooth. Although the orcs of Dranor are fiercely independent and prideful, they understand the importance of working together for the greater good of their people. The War Chief is seen as the ultimate authority in matters of war and defense, and is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the kingdom.   Despite their reputation as ferocious warriors, the orcs of Dranor also possess a strong sense of community and solidarity. They have a deep respect for the natural world and are skilled hunters and gatherers, living off the land and sharing resources among their tribes. Orcish craftsmen are highly skilled, producing intricate works of art and jewelry using techniques that have been passed down through generations.   The capital city of Dranor is Ironhold, a sprawling metropolis that is home to many of the kingdom's most skilled craftsmen, traders, and warriors. The city is surrounded by high walls and fortified defenses, making it a nearly impenetrable stronghold against invaders. Within the city walls, bustling markets and lively taverns cater to the diverse needs of the orcish population, while the Great Hall serves as a place for tribal leaders to come together and discuss important matters of state.   Despite being a young kingdom, Dranor has already made a name for itself as a powerful and influential force in Ayer. The orcs of Dranor are fiercely proud of their heritage and culture, and will defend their kingdom and way of life at all costs. With the strength and determination of the orcs behind it, Dranor is poised to become an even greater power in the years to come
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Economic System
Barter system
Notable Members
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