
2125 AR/ADF


The History of Ayonerra so far

The Native Inhabitants

Created from pieces fallen from Shemokmedi’s body, Hskaner are peaceful lights native to Ayonerra. Following their refusal to fulfil the task, the Sun sent Amaars as punishment. Their breath called to hska souls, forcing them to fuse with Amaar bodies. Hskaner donned colossal armour and weapons and apposed the Sun’s children.

Following the hska genocide by Med'Hea, not much is known about their current whereabouts. Despite the scarce records, traces of their civilization persist all around Ayonerra.

Humanoid races

s Dunyars - people linked to different stars, giving them various abilities unique to an individual.

s Menes'has – horned and winged people with body control magic.

s Bahhrayms - white-haired and eyed people. Tsukaites/Tonemaqi are blessed women who telepathically move the weapons they forge themselves and use star's magic that gets reflected off them.

s Dharaats - metallic people with enhanced resilience. Their bodies harden as solid metal after death.

s Stagyars  - elemental people. Can turn into an elemental form untouchable by basic weapons.
Bound Ones - Stagyars' elemental animal siblings. Have intelligence of a 14-year-old human.

s Aakhirs – bird-like people with incredible eyesight and illusion magic.

s K'nksh  - mysterious four-armed and metallic-skinned humans, lacking noses and mouths.

s Nikophsis – a mixed race of stagyars, dharaats and dunyars. They possess metallic hair and nails, dark brown skin and elemental magic.