Act of Solace Document in Azarth | World Anvil
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Act of Solace

Issued in 237 AS, the Act of Solace was meant to address the growing problems from casters sickened by the Shards of Zolgar, the after-effects of casting magic. As these pains were increasingly degenerative, ending with the mind becoming crazed and unstable, casters were rapidly becoming a public menace in many areas.   As the sickness became better and better documented, and a treatment found using the mineral Aspium, one that could stave off the effects for many years, King Gaetan moved quickly to acquire all Aspium mines in the Valdare Mountains, effectively securing a monopoly on the treatment. At the same time, the royal casters uncovered the technique for recreating an Age of Magic relic, the Casavar Hand Flower. This device could contain and control the magic of any caster. Intended for assistance in training, Gaetan quickly saw its other possible uses. He was then able to leverage these two items to give himself the power to issue this decree, causing all casters to become property of the crown.

Document Structure


The document starts out on a positive note. After the standard greetings and address, the King first clause acknowledges the problem of sickened casters running wild, and offers the King's supply of Aspium as a treatment to all casters in the realm.   The second clause sets out the conditions of this generosity: all casters are to become 'indentured' to the crown, regardless of their wishes, dressed in a highly obvious uniform, and housed in a central location. It is mentioned that this new locale will provide everything a caster needs from the issuing of the decree until death, but that did little to ameliorate the blow that casters felt from this.   The third clause lays out the various likely duties that a caster would undertake in service to the crown, including but not limited to military action. Then it orders the authorities to immediately begin rounding up casters to ship off to the new "King's" Tower. One assumes that this was not terribly effective until the King's tame casters came along to help confine those who resisted.

Historical Details

Public Reaction

The reaction to this decree was overwhelmingly positive from the average citizens. After years of dealing with magically-induced hardships, the idea of corraling and treating casters seemed to be a good thing. This belief has persisted to the current day, where it is common for neighbors and even family members to turn in a person suspected of being a caster.


The system set in place by the Act of Solace is still active to this day. Casters are identified and taken to what is now known as the Sanguine Tower as soon as possible, so as to train them to their roles. With anti-magic sentiment being so ingrained in the culture, some casters even turn themselves in so they do not pose a danger to their loved ones. The one overwhelmingly obvious effect of the Crown having access to all the casters in the realm has been Polira's increased military strength and firepower. The kingdom has not lost a conflict since the Act was decreed.
Decree, Royal
Vellum / Skin
Authoring Date
237 AS

Cover image: by Nightflyer0ne via Midjourney


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