
Aasimar are an extremely rare race on Azimuth. An aasimar is a medium-sized humanoid whose heritage shares a bond with celestial powers or whose soul has been touched by the divine.



Most aasimar have human parents, and their physical traits tend to be similar to their heritage. That said, their origins and connection to the divine sometimes manifest in unique visual traits like exotic eye colors, skin tones, or other traits.


Most aasimar share the phyical characteristics of their parents. As most are born from human parents, they tend to stand between 5 to 6 feet tall and weigh between 125 and 250 pounds.   Aasimar are longer-lived than regular humans as they can live up to 160 years, but they tend to mature at the same rate.


The light of the Dragon Gods shines on the peoples of Azimuth. Even from the Divine Planes, these influences can have a great effect on the world, even if at times it is indirect or unclear. Aasimar are the purest expression of that divine light as it burns within every mortal soul, for the souls of those blessed with an angelic ancestor blaze brighter than any other. Even rarer than the tieflings with whom they share a commonality of ancestry, aasimar are mortal, and yet are understood to be destined for a grander cosmic purpose than others around them. In every culture across Azimuth, the birth of an aasimar is seen as a blessing, portent, or curse.   An aasimar, except for one who has turned evil, has a link to an angelic being. That being provides guidance to the aasimar, though this connection functions only in dreams. As such, the guidance is not a direct command or a simple spoken word. Instead, the aasimar receives visions, prophecies, and feelings.   Aasimar who can bear the burden of their destiny become champions of noble causes, and encourage others to walk always in the light. More often than not, however, an aasimar saddled with a vague destiny and the grand aspirations of their clan ultimately falls from grace, their inner light succumbing to shadow. Most aasimar follow their ordained path, but some grow to see their abilities as a curse. These disaffected aasimar are typically content to turn away from the world, but a few become agents of evil.   Despite its celestial origin, an aasimar is mortal and possesses free will. Most aasimar are born from human parents. They use the same naming conventions as their native culture. Aasimar mature at the same rate as humans, but they can live up to 160 years.   The celestial connections can range across the pantheon. When the celestial entity is from the realm of a Dragon that aligns with the culture of the child born, this can be seen as a blessing. However, if they are from the realm of a Dragon that goes against their culture, this connection can be seen as a curse.   While aasimar are strident foes of evil, they typically prefer to keep a low profile. An aasimar inevitably draws the attention of evil cultists, fiends, and other enemies of good, all of whom would be eager to strike down a celestial champion if they had the chance.   Most folk are inured to the sight of unusual and remarkable people. Even so, aasimar are a sight to behold, and there are many who don't mind being rude if it means spending a few extra seconds staring at a radiant aasimar as they pass by.

Aasimar in Tarteria

Aasimar are rare beings in Azimuth – most people go their full lives never seeing one. In Tarteria, aasimar are even rarer. They are generally the children of human parents and fewer human families live in the cities of the Queendom of Keeleon than elsewhere in the world. Even still, some are born here and are destined for great things. Even a select few orc children have been born as aasimar, though the dangers of this place and the taint of Esturk, The World's End, on this part of the world means many forces are stacked against them.
Humanoid   Size
Medium   Age of Adulthood
Around 20   Lifespan
Around 160 years   Average Height
Between 5 to 6 feet   Average weight
Between 125 and 250 pounds   Skin color
Humanlike, similar to parents   Planes
Material Plane