Material Plane

The Material Plane, or sometimes Prime Material Plane, is the plane of existence in which the world of Azimuth exists.   The Prime Material Plane of Azimuth consists of the seas and skies and continents of the world. It’s a world of cycles, continually dealing with the effects and aftereffects of Esturk, the God of Nadiria, and his continued efforts to destroy it. The historic ages of the world are tied to this cycle of war and the efforts of the forces of good and evil in these conflicts. The nations of the world across the continents of Gimora, Haradren Gaer Arnad, Tarteria, Parthenia, and the Northwest Seas strive for their own goals between these times of war, creating a web of conflicting and aligning goals that have fueled many stories across the ages.


Azimuth is the name of the world given by the first gods in the Age of Creations. Azimuth exists in a Material Plane, although it features connections to other planes of existence.

The Skies

The skies of Azimuth are filled with various stars and constellations, and their names vary widely with the different cultures of the world. Those that are generally agreed upon are those of the sun, the moon, and the north star in the sky.  
Parall is Azimuth's sun. The four seasons are determined by the waxing and waning of power of Parall under Avianor, The Timefather’s constant influence and cycle.  
Meridi is Azimuth's moon. It is grey in color and appears large in the sky. It has a roughly 30 day cycle during which it waxes and wanes, however it has been known to change based on the influence of Sehakora, The Maelstrom.  
An Tinu
An Tinu is Azimuth's north star. It's light has aided sailors on the waters of Azimuth for many centuries. It was named by the elves, which became widely accepted and used by the various nations of the world.  

Relationship to other planes

In some places, the barriers between the Material Plane and other planes become thin or are simply punched through. Some rifts are stable for long periods, and others are only temporary or may fluctuate, only coming into existence for short periods of time. The barriers have been known to become thinner during the annual solstices and equinoxes: Wild Gathering, Sun's Bounty, Harvest Home, Winter's Feast.   When the world was first created, from the Elemental Planes came a pouring of energies, and thus the world was formed in masses of water, earth, wind, and fire. These focal points still exist in places around Azimuth, and great constructs have been built around these energies in the past. Namely, the various temples used by the Zenethian Champions to house the original Zenethian Items were built at places of great elemental energy.

Echoes of the Material Plane

In parallel to this material plane are its two echoes, the Feywild and the Shadowfell. Azimuth is a place infused with magic, both arcane and divine, and these echoes reflect that nature in different ways. Both these planes are so close to the material that pieces often bleed between them, and aspects or energies may unintentionally draw the attention or ire of those creatures that call these places home.  

The Transitive Planes

The Transitive Planes are mostly featureless realms that serve primarily as ways to travel from one plane to another.  
Ethereal Plane
The Ethereal Plane overlaps the Material Plane, but they are somewhat out of phase with each other. There are several spells, items, and even innate abilities allowing creatures on the Material Plane to interact with the Ethereal Plane.  
Astral Plane
The Astral Plane, or Astral Sea, separates the material world from the Outer Planes. It contains gateways to other planes.  

The Inner Elemental Planes

The Inner Planes surround and enfold the Material Plane and its echoes, providing the raw elemental substance from which the world was made at the start of the Age of Creations.  
Plane of Air
The Plane of Air connects with the Material Plane at Mount Huma.  
Plane of Fire
The Plane of Fire connects with the Material Plane at Ruin's Temple, Birdsong Tower, and Red Rocks.  
Plane of Water
The Plane of Water connects with the Material Plane at The Shrine of Breaking Waves and Red Lake.  

The Outer Divine Planes

The Outer Planes are the homes of the divine, primarily those realms of the Dragon Gods of Azimuth. They are places of semi-tactile landscapes, which are interpretations of the purity of the realm by mortal observers. Each of the gods have their own divine plane where they interact with and observe the other planes, and it is here where some house the souls of their devoted in the afterlife.  
Nadiria, the Plane of Darkness
The mines beneath Aktempto seemingly led the Zenethian Heroes to a place between the Material Plane and Nadiria: Doravelzog.   As a result of the Harvest Home holiday, a temporary planar portal to Nadiria formed at the Fungal Nursery in the Underdark beneath Bridon Tillage.  
Elysia, the Plane of Life
Angioletta's Temple was built in a demiplane that was partially connected to Elysia.  
Stygia, the Plane of Death
Leo, Captain of the Black Barrow, entered a pool of dark water in a shrine to Nerull somewhere in Endor, the First Mountain, and there he was able to converse with Nerull in Stygia, though the experience nearly killed Leo.  

The Severance Tear

Beyond the Outer Planes and the endless expanse of the Astral Plane, is the Severance Tear, a great slash in the Universe. This rip was formed when the Universe of Azimuth was cut from the interconnected fabric of the multiverse, severing its connections to other Universes and worlds. It is sometimes described as a shroud that covers the universe, preventing interaction and stopping travel through it. It was by the power of multiple gods in the Age of Creations that Azimuth was forced out in this way, and the process they used to achieve the Severance is unknown.
Plane of Existence