
Azimuth is the name of the world given by the first gods in the Age of Creations. Azimuth exists in a Material Plane, although it features connections to other planes of existence.

History of Azimuth

Every civilization has its own interpretation of where its story began; different cultures have creation myths that eventually converge with documented history and events. Many such theories are vague or are mix-ups of differing cultural origin stories modified and retold over countless generations. Some are interpretations and some are misunderstandings of ancient religious texts.   There is no known definitive story, especially as one looks farther and farther back in time. The destruction of many records occured during the Great War, and as such, information from times before has become scarce or incomplete. Even still, the Age of Creations story is held by many scholars and story tellers as the origin of Azimuth, and is generally accepted as a record of the world's founding.   Since the time of the world's creation, there have been five distinct ages:
  • The First Age: The Age of Creations
    • The first age of Azimuth includes the creation of the world by elemental forces and many of the races through divine action. No factual accounts from this time exist, though according to several creation myths and stories, the divines of this time warred with the Primordial Elementals and each other before being cut from the world by the Severance.
  • The Second Age: The Age of the Severance
    • In the wake of the Severance, this age was defined by the absence of divines. This vacuum led to great research by some into the powers of the arcane and the divine, which created chaos for the burgeoning civilizations making their way in this new age. It is said the echoes of the divine led to the formation of the Dragon pantheon.
  • The Third Age: The Age of Zenethia
    • The Third Age started with the emergence of the Dragon pantheon and would become defined greatly by the growing power of Zenthai, The Dragon King, and his battles with Esturk, The World's End. The power, influence, and expansion of the likes of humans, dwarves, and elves influenced the world around them until the age’s end with the mass destruction of the Great War.
  • The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
    • After the Great War and the new absence of Zenethia, the slow recovery of Azimuth began. This age saw gradual growth of prominence for the other Dragons in the pantheon. The major defining moments of the age were the actions of the Zenethian Heroes and the two wars at the age’s end: the Manslayer War and the Tarterian War.
  • The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
    • The Fifth Age is the current age of the world. Its early years were shaped by the actions of the Zenethian Heroes and the recovery and changing climate of Azimuth in wake of the recent wars. Now, the world moves forward in the Age of Beginnings in the wake of their greatest yet heroes.
  2023 Timeline Image by M.B.


The Azimuth year lasts 365 days over the course of 12 months. Each day is 24 hours in length and a week is considered the passing of 7 days. The names of the months are old, derived from old names of importance that have been lost to time. Scholars only come close to glimpsing the sources of these names from ages past.  
  • Janafen, Felim, Madaet, Adroth, Magan, Jeden, Jeran, Avedar, Sedaena, Ocana, Naerui, Drimon
  The names of the days of the week are elvish, tied to the names given by elven sailors during the Second Age. These names became widely accepted and used by the various nations of the world.  
  • Moraday, Erathday, Bahamday, Tharizday, Korday, Zehrday, Sehanday
  Various holidays and holy days fill the calendar and are celebrated across Azimuth. Each culture has their own days of importance, from festivals to days of honor. The following are some of the more recognized holidays, though there are smaller or more localized holidays not listed here.  
  • The Blooming: 27 Jeden; the anniversary of the first bloom of the World Tree after its near destruction.
  • Republic Day: 4 Jeran; the anniversary of the Santeem Republic.
  • Dragonrise: 31 Jeran; the anniversary of the ascension of Chedae, The Heaven's Light.
  • Dragonfall: 2 Avedar; the anniversary of the death of Zenthai, The Dragon King.
  • Typhoon's Wake: 24 Avedar; the holy day of Sehakora, The Maelstrom.
  • Harvest Home: 22 Sadaena; a festival at the close of the harvest season.
  • Closure's Call: 9 Ocana; a time of honoring those who have died.
  • Fest Angioletta: 12 Ocana; a celebration by the elves of Angioletta.
  • Tribe's Summit: 28 Ocana; the anniversray of the founding of the Parthenian Federation.
  • Challenge Day: 12 Naerui; a time of battles and facing strong challenges.
  • Winter's Feast: 21 Drimon; the winter solstice celebrated by holding close what you're thankful for.
  • The Rime Rite: 24 Drimon; a ceremony of survival in the Wild Lands.
  • Continents


    Gimora is located to the east of Iluvitar, to the northeast of Tarteria, and to the north of Haradren Gaer Arnad. It is the largest continent in Azimuth, and is often split geographically into two sub-regions: Gimora Major and Gimora Minor.  
    Gimora Major
    Gimora Major consists of the lands in the north and west of Gimora. These are namely the regions in and around Branca, the Kingdom of the South, Burland, the Kingdom of the North, the Kingdom of Endor, and the Halfling Fields.  
    Gimora Minor
    Gimora Minor consists of the lands in the east and south of Gimora. These are namely the regions in and around the Wild Lands, Konenbur, the Theocracy of the Sea, the Ruined Coast, and Cascada.  

    Haradren Gaer Arnad

    Haradren Gaer Arnad is located to the south of Gimora. By races other than elves, it is commonly called simply "Haradren". It is the ancestral home of the elves. The elven government, Soretta, the Undying Aristocracy, is the dominant force on the continent.  


    Iluvitar is the largest landmass in the northwest seas. It is also the closest to both Tarteria and Gimora. The Santeem Republic is found here, as is the Grand Bazaar.  


    Parthenia is a small continent located to the northeast of Gimora and to the west of the Northwest Seas. Several bestial races make their homes here after their displacement at the end of the Third Age. Their government, the Parthenian Federation, rules over much of this land.  

    Seaward Isles

    The Seaward Isles consist of two major islands: the Lesovo Jungle and Chelonia. In addition to these, there are several smaller landmasses in the region. These are located just north of Tarteria and to the southwest of Iluvitar.  


    Stancia consists of a number of closely packed island chains to the northwest of Iluvitar. The Coronata Volcano dominates the area and a wide variety of races can be found here.  


    Tarteria is located to the south of Iluvitar and to the southwest of Gimora. It is the ancestral home of the orcs and hobgoblins. The lands of the Queendom of Keeleon and the Hobgoblin Khanate exist here as well as a number of independent settlements.  

    Oceans and Seas

    • Azimuth Ocean: a vast ocean to the south of Gimora, the east of Haradren Gaer Arnad, and the east of Tarteria.
    • Black Sail Sea: The sea separating Gimora and Iluvitar
    • Gimora Sea: The sea separating Gimora Major and Gimora Minor formed during the Great War.
    • Hazy Ice Sea: The sea between Iluvitar and Stancia.
    • North Sea: The northernmost sea beyond Gimora, Iluvitar, and Parthenia.
    • Parthenian Sea: The sea separating Parthenia and Gimora.
    • Seafoam Sea: The sea to the east of Haradren Gaer Arnad and the west of Tarteria.
    • South Sea: The southernmost sea beyond Haradren and Tarteria.

    The Skies

    The skies of Azimuth are filled with various stars and constellations, and their names vary widely with the different cultures of the world. Those that are generally agreed upon are those of the sun, the moon, and the north star in the sky.


    Parall is Azimuth's sun. The four seasons are determined by the waxing and waning of power of Parall under Avianor, The Timefather’s constant influence and cycle.


    Meridi is Azimuth's moon. It is grey in color and appears large in the sky. It has a roughly 30 day cycle during which it waxes and wanes, however it has been known to change based on the influence of Sehakora, The Maelstrom.

    An Tinu

    An Tinu is Azimuth's north star. It's light has aided sailors on the waters of Azimuth for many centuries. It was named by the elves, which became widely accepted and used by the various nations of the world.
    Included Locations