Alena's Landing, Holiday

Alena's Landing is a winter holiday in Azimuth. It is celebrated yearly on 29 Janafen, the anniversary of the founding of Alena's Landing. It is mostly celebrated in the Queendom of Keeleon. It honors the sacrifices of orcs lost in the Tarterian War against Esturk, The World's End, and celebrates the tenacity of orcs against destruction.


After the Tarterian War and the destruction of the Kingdom of Keeleon, Queen Alena, daughter of the Last Orc King, brought her people back to the lands of Tarteria. On 29 Janafen 5A 004, Alena founded the settlement of Alena's Landing and the Queendom of Keeleon. Since then, the anniversary of this has been a celebration in the queendom.
Date of Holiday
29 Janafen