
Bugbears are a rare race on Azimuth. They are bestial humanoids known for their capacity for both lethargy and aggression.



Bugbears have powerful bodies and long limbs that bely their surprising stealth for their size. They are capable of bouts of incredible ferocity, using their muscular bodies to exact swift and ruthless violence. Bugbears have large ears and yellow eyes, giving them a more feline appearance than their hobgoblin cousins.


Bugbears are between 6 and 8 feet tall, however their posture is generally stooped, so that their heads are still roughly at human height. On average, they weigh between 250 and 350 pounds.   Bugbears reach adulthood at age 16 and live up to 80 years.


Early history and supposed creation

Beastfolk is a term used by the races of Azimuth to separate several separate cultures, including gnoll, minotaur, and bugbear, considered "native" to Parthenia. These races were crafted in the Age of Creations at the influence of dark-aligned gods during the battles against the Primoridials. Since then, they have existed in tandem with those of humans, dwarves, and elves, though often at conflict with one another.

Additional History

The history of bugbears is filled with battle and war. During the ending events of the Great War in the Third Age, many kingdoms were forced to flush out the races of bugbears, gnolls, and minotaurs from their lands as a result of Esturk, The World's End’s invasions across Azimuth. While some could seclude themselves in the corners of the world, many tribes had no place else to go, so many sought refuge in the far-flung land of Parthenia as they were driven away.   For bugbears, Parthenia proved to be a place of subjugation under the minotaurs, who through their strength and numbers cowed the gnoll tribes and bugbear gangs. However, this dynamic would change drastically during the events of the Manslayer War, where as a result of the gnollish forces betrayal of the minotaurs, entire tribes of minotaurs were slain. With the formation of the Parthenian Federation, now gnolls hold the power and the bugbear way of life is at odds with the strength of the remaining minotaurs and the growing numbers of the gnolls. Secluded and shunned to the Willows, they have an honorary place in the Federation, but little power to affect change or desire to do so. Their leaders in the City of Rings are the smallest in number of the three races.


At their core, bugbears are ambush predators accustomed to long periods of inactivity broken by short bursts of murderous energy. Ferocious though they may be, bugbears aren't built for extended periods of exertion. When they're not in battle, bugbears spend much of their time resting or dozing. From the viewpoint of the rest of the world, their aggression and savagery are thankfully offset by their rarity and lethargy.   Left to their own devices, bugbears have little more impact on the world than wolf packs. They don't engage in crafting or agriculture to any great extent, or otherwise produce anything of value. Their overall population is small and spread over a wide area. Bugbears live in family groups that operate much like gangs that typically number fewer than a dozen, living in and around a small enclosure, often a natural cave or an old bear den. In good times, a bugbear gang is tight-knit, but when the fortunes of a gang turn sour, the individuals become selfish and might sabotage one another. These gangs survive by raiding and hunting. They bully the weak and despise being bossed around.   Of all the beastfolk, bugbears most openly worship Esturk, The World's End, as they are born for battle and mayhem. Though they are ferocious, most do not worship Barduumus, The Battlelord, the God of Strength, as their penchant for ambush and stealth are at odds with him.   Bugbear gangs, in times of strive or ill-luck, may exile weaker or unpopular members to keep the rest of the gang strong. Fortunately for the race as a whole, even young and elderly bugbears have the ability to survive alone in the wild, and the cast-off members of a gang might eventually catch on with a different group.

Bugbears in Gimora Major

In the lands of Branca, the Kingdom of the South, bestial races are incredibly rare due to the laws of the land allowing the hunting and killing of races like gnolls, minotaurs, and bugbears.

Bugbears in Gimora Minor

Bugbear can be found in the hills and warrens of the Wild Lands, though only in small numbers.

Bugbears in Tarteria

In Tarteria, bugbears are somewhat common in and around Goliin Hiid in the Western Valley, subsisting by crafting simple tools and hunting and gathering food. Sometimes, these gangs come together peacefully to exchange members and goods between them, though they are often not trusted in Keeleon’s larger cities, seen as both predators and layabouts, and exist on the fringes of those societies.   Bugbears are also found in the foothills of the southern Hobgoblin Khanate. Here, bugbears will usually bully goblins they encounter if they have something to gain, and they trade with hobgoblins for gold and food in return for serving as scouts and shock troops. Even when paid, bugbears are at best unreliable allies, yet goblins and hobgoblins understand that no matter how much bugbears might drain resources, these creatures are a potent force.

Bugbears in Northwest Seas

Among the many islands of the Northwest Seas, many races can be found. While gnolls and other beastfolk were driven from the lands of other continents, the same is not true of the area of Stancia.

Bugbears in Parthenia

The nation of the Parthenian Federation is a conglomorate of several bestial races. However, the bugbears do not hold much power in this current dynamic. They are widespread in Parthenia, though mostly are localized in the WIllows in the east and the Parthenian capital, the City of Rings.
Humanoid   Subtype
Goblinoid   Size
Medium   Age of Adulthood
Around 16   Lifespan
Around 80 years   Average Height
Between 6 to 8 feet   Average weight
Between 250 and 350 pounds   Fur color
Brown, black, or blue-gray   Planes
Material Plane   Primary Locations
  • Parthenian Federation
  • Goliin Hiid