Fest Angioletta

Fest Angioletta is an autumn holiday in Azimuth. It is celebrated yearly on 12 Ocana. It is mostly observed by elves in Soretta, the Undying Aristocracy. It is known as a celebration of the Zenethian Champion Angioletta, one of the greatest heroes of elven kind.


During The Great War, Angioletta became one of the Zenethian Champions, and through their efforts at the end of the Third Age, the war against Esturk, The World's End, was won.   In the early Fourth Age, Angioletta returned to Haradren Gaer Arnad where she aided the recovery of her people. She became a leader of the Undying Aristocracy, and her rule is generally regarded in a positive light.   After her passing, this holiday was created to commemorate the influences Angioletta had on Soretta and Azimuth.
Date of Holiday
12 Ocana