Gnomish Gem Binding

Gnomish Gem Binding, or Sai Chlocrin Hebri in gnomish, refers to a ceremonial ritual most common among gnomes, especially in the Gnome Lands of Iluvitar. It is a ceremony symbolizing the binding the participants to a singular common goal or venture.


The ritual is an old gnomish ceremony, though it is not known exactly when the tradition started. However, it is known to go back at least to the early part of the Third Age. It is especially common among gnomish crafters, tinkerers, and smiths.   The ceremony uses a specially cut topaz gemstone. The design of the cut is shaped like a multipointed sun or sprocket.   It can be undertaken when a pair or group of people commit to working together or undertake a shared goal. As topaz gemstones are important to the faith of Avianor, The Timefather, the ritual sometimes is performed for tasks that may take a very long time to accomplish.   The participants put their blood on the gemstone, in an act meant to signify something eternal and longlasting. The belief is that the gemstone will outlive those who make the associated binding promise, as a way to show the importance of the pact.   The ceremony is completed by a lengthy gnomish phrase:  
"When the dawning light is shaped into form of glass, The kin herein are poured into the cast.   With blood drawn given to the tempering fire, Our souls are forged in singular desire.   Welded now of spirit and breath, Until and after selfless death.   Shine eternal."
  After the ritual is finished, the gemstone is placed somewhere accessible to sunlight, often set into a permanent structure. This is to symbolize that as long as the sun continues to shine on it, the participants will continue to work together. In the Gnome Lands, topazes can often be seen within the structures of businesses and workshops.


The Third Age: The Age of Zenethia
The song Lament of the Mountain is commonly believed to include references to a Gnomish Gem Binding ritual between a gnome and an elf who fought against a coming darkness together. The subject of the song is believed to be sometime in the early Third Age.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 12 Adroth 5A 352, Mortimr Gwathagoldrin initiated a Gnomish Gem Binding ritual with the members of the Lightbringers. Instead of a traditional topaz gemstone, the group used a painting of a gem in the correct cut design, which was painted by Chaka.