
Hobgoblin Bard, College of Valor, Soldier

"I will help you however I can, by whatever means I can."
Chaka is a hobgoblin bard who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. He is played by C.C.    



Chaka is a hobgolbin man with a muscular yet lithe build and reddish-brown skin. He has a bit of stubble, and he stands around 5' 11".   He wears a set of leather armor with a thick blacksmith's apron over it. This apron is covered with pockets and holders of various kinds, all of which are filled with art supplies, including paintbrushes, palet knives, vials, and bottles. A number of satchels and bags are drapped across him as well. He wears a helmet that obscures his head and face, and he wears paint around his eyes to obscure his skin tone. All of Chaka's clothing is covered in multicolored stains.   He wields a warhammer and a shield that has multicolored paint splatter on it. He has a yarting, which he's shown skill in playing. Chaka's magic is multicolored and irridescent, like oil paint in water. The energies Chaka uses seem to pull from the innate energies in the beauty of his surroundings.   Some of Chaka's magic appears as raw, vibrant green energy. When accessing this, a green glow emanates from beneath his helmet. There is a glowing rune behind his ear, which is a draconic symbol forming part of the meaning “Life” or “Living”, but perhaps could also mean “Death” if inverted.



Chaka was from the Hobgoblin Khanate in southern Tarteria. In his youth in the Drackhan Tundra, he saw and interacted with several native species of the region, like wild boar.   Not much of Chaka's home is currently known. From his artworks, it appears Chaka grew up in a frontier-style household. At some point, Chaka left his home and began wandering the Queendom of Keeleon. Chaka did not leave word of his departure.   During his journey, Chaka had a near-death experience in the frozen hills of the Drackhan Tundra. He blacked out but did not suffer frostbite, hypothermia, or death in the wilds, and all he remembered was a flash of green. It was after this time Chaka first noticed the draconic mark behind his ear.   At some point before 27 Madaet 5A 352, Chaka entered a piece into a the currated "Temperance and Peace" art showing at the Watermill Gallery in New Keeleon.

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Session 0.2 - Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders
In the evening of 27 Madaet 5A 352, Chaka attended the "Temperance and Peace" art showing at the Watermill Gallery. He viewed some pieces from other artists and heard about an eccentric collector named Al'phonas Muchaelas who was not in attendance. He also learned of an important patron that had been expected to come to the showing, but hadn't been seen publicly for some time from an organization called the Commandment of Sky. Chaka's submitted piece, "Work #34: Drackhan Tundra Landscape", did not garner any interest and at the end of the show he collected it. He also left a message with the gallery for the artist of another piece whenever they returned to the gallery.   Mortimr approached The Augurs in New Keeleon, and there he saw Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders. Kelwin's cart was parked at The Augurs and Chaka approached. He drew the attention of Kelwin and his family, as well as Mortimr Gwathagoldrin who was hidden in the undercarriage. Chaka was offered a job as an escort for the cart and joined. After speaking with Ronpip, Chaka was suspicious of what else may be hidden under the cart and used a light spell to illuminate the area, but Mortimr was able to hide. Chaka called out that if anything happened to harm Ronpip, "who knows what would happen" to them. The next morning on 28 Madaet, Chaka was given some food and the group continued northwards. At Argil's Gate, a guard stopped the cart and asked for the wagon wheel tax to be paid. Chaka used a Suggestion spell to influence the guard to let Kelwin's carriage go through without paying, and they left the city.   During their travel, Chaka entertained Ronpip with stories and drawings. While Chaka investigated Ronpip's music box, Mortimr cast an illusion spell to make the face of a demon jump out at him. He looked more at the music box and cast Identify on it and learned it was non-magical, broken, and not the source of the music and sounds they had been hearing.   On 30 Madaet 5A 352, they reached the intersection for the Black Marsh Road in Axe-Breaker Thicket. They were accosted by bandits who had felled a tree across the road and attempted to rob them. Chaka attempted to cast a Detect Thoughts spell but the lead bandit saw him reach for components and stopped him. He then successfully cast Calm Emotions, affecting all four bandits, and Chaka gleaned some information before the effect ended and they drew their weapons. Quickly, Mortimr emerged from the cart and for the first time he and Chaka clearly saw each other. Chaka fought defensively, did not draw his warhammer, and attempted to disable and move away without harming the bandits, but did kill one with a spell. Though Mortimr and Chaka were wounded, they quickly killed three of the bandits and the fourth ran away into the trees.   After the fight, Mortimr gave his name as "Zildri". Chaka asked for his help clearing the tree and Mortimr began to blast it with magic, become angry and yelling as he did so. Chaka and Kelwin did not interrupt him, and eventually the tree was cleared. With the tree cleared, they continued northwards along the Orc Highway. On the morning of 1 Adroth 5A 352, on the coast in the distance they could see the coastal town of Porgorag, and they continued onward.  
Session 1 - Silvery-White Threads
On 1 Adroth 5A 352, Chaka arrived in Porgorag on Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders. He made a detailed drawing of the Statue of Grupe. At Second Square, he left with Mortimr and said goodbye to Ronpip and Kelwin. They eventually reached the Darksteel Foundry, where Chaka noted the shrine to Morounin, The Learned-Lady, outside, as well as a crowd of people outside the locked gates.   Along with the other caravan members, he met with Borscha Brickwell and Captain Levka Ruslan.   Chaka asked about the implementation of the wagon wheel tax and who he could file a complaint with, stating he had friends that had been "taken advantage of".   During the meeting, Chaka had a conversation with Romsca, Smelter of Ingots, about colored dyes and their sources.   After the party asked questions of Borscha and Ruslan, they decided to head out to the city to see what could be done about the missing carriages.  
Session 2 - Searching for Carriages
Chaka went with most of the party to the Yellow Quay, where they waited to meet Warguard Ghuzzakk. While waiting, Chaka spent time sketching the table plant in the room.   Chaka saw through the doorway the Warguard had entered a person he thought might be Coinguard Gim Gorod. Chaka left after him and Mortimr followed behind. They caught up and called after him, and Chaka asked about the carriages intended for the Hands of Ore.   When Chaka appeared to be casting a spell, Gertrude caught up and ran into him to intrupt him. During the conversation, Chaka asked if the Coinguard would accompany them to the Quayside Stables to sort this out, and he declined as he had “business elsewhere”.   At the end of the conversation, Chaka brought up the wheel tax. Gim Gorod said the tax came from the capital and directed him to direct complaints to the Arttia Kala, the Gold Castle, where the order came from.  
Session 3 - Guildhalls and Churches
In the evening of 1 Adroth 5A 352, Gertrude, Arwin, and Demitri entered the Church of Zenethia and took seats in the pews while the rest of the party waited outside. While waiting, Chaka made a painting of the church but the dim light made the colors drab.   In the morning of 2 Adroth 5A 352, Chaka woke early and scouted the Darksteel Foundry. He saw the departure of the Amarth'rilain and took a quick sketch of the event.   At the Hero Hunters Facility, the party agreed to exchange their services for covered wagons. Across the campus, they approached the abandoned storehouse and prepared to investigate.  
Session 4 - Dusty Dens
The party headed to the abandoned storehouse of the Hero Hunters Facility. Inside, they investigated the abandoned manor and found clues to the previous residents. Chaka found a large painting of an adventuring party, which seemed to show a young Haugon and a relative of Coletta.   As they moved into the basement, demons and oozes attacked the party. In the battle, he unveiled a painted to inspire Romsca, before he was ambushed by enemies that came out from an unexplored room. Chaka cast Thunderwave at them before drawing his warhammer.   During the battle, Chaka’s mask was damaged. He tried to hide it but Romsca noticed and cast Mending on it. After the battle, the party argued if they should close the tunnels or enter them and investigate, but while they debated, Mortimr collapsed the tunnels.  
Session 5 - Reports of Demons
After their battle, Chaka returned with most of the others to report to Haugon. Chaka brought the large group painting he found inside and asked after Haugon's past. During the conversation when Chaka attempted to cast a spell nearby to Haugon, he reacted quickly, drawing a magical sword on him.   After leaving Haugon, Mortimr interacted with Chaka before returning to Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders and providing some of the reward money to Kelwin for the wheel tax. Nearby, Chaka purchased some vibrant colored spices and herbs.   Then, Chaka went with Demitri and Mortimr towards the Westfield shops.  
Session 6 - Strings of Prophecies
Outside Cardinal Desires, Chaka saw several guards be called away from Westfield. Then, the music he’d been idly playing began picking up on its own somewhere nearby. Chaka looked for the source and followed it into a nearby alley. Moments later, Chaka hid after he noticed the Coinguard’s bodyguards walking through, seemingly looking for a fight. Chaka used a Message spell to alert Mortimr. In his hiding spot he found a small silver bell, which he recognized as the same bells that adorn some of the toys sold at Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders.   The different groups reconvened at Cardinal Desires and shared the various information they’d gathered. There, Naran approached and spoke prophecies to them all. As she did, silver energy filled the room and spread to each of them, like strings of light woven in a web. To Chaka, she said, “One day your home will welcome you again.” The energies then broke and dissipated and Naran fainted.   The party then returned to the Darksteel Foundry. The party went to the warehouse and confronted the goliath who was acting strangely.  
Session 7 - Brawl for the Box
The party confronted the goliath guarding the strange black box and a fight ensued. Chaka moved out of the way and kept his distance during the fight. He attempted to cast Suggestion on the goliath to calm him, but the spell did not connect. In the fight, Chaka unveiled an art piece for Demitri, "Work #83: Owl’s Stare".   After the fight, Chaka looked around the warehouse and took stock of the contents. The party retrieved the black box and Chaka borrowed Romsca’s materials to cast Identify. He learned the properties of the protections in place on it and shared them with the party.   While waiting for the party to regroup, Chaka played his yarting in the Foundry’s central yard.  
Session 8 - Disparate Pieces
After the black box was opened, Chaka cast Identify on the green ring to learn its properties, which he shared with the party. She also learned there was residual orcish or half-orcish blood on it.   As tensions rose between Romsca and Arwin, Chaka mused if violence was the easiest way to resolve differences and move forward. As the party ate and discussed, Chaka asked Gertrude why she seemed troubled, but she did not answer.   Chaka also spent time sketching some of the events from the day. He tried to recreate the shades of green in both the ring and Arwin’s arrows, however he could not.  
Session 9 - Befouled Waters
In the morning, Chaka seemed put off by the dwarvish breakfast provided by the Foundry. Chaka ate while wearing his helmet, which Gertrude called him out on.   They went to Westfield to the sewer access marked by Romulus. They removed the rusted grate and entered the city’s sewers. Reaching a series of intersections, they noticed several creatures nearby. The group debated if they should put these things out of their misery, but elected to try to not risk a larger fight. However, Gray Oozes that were hanging on the ceiling dropped on them suddenly and the other beasts were drawn towards them.   In the battle, Chaka stepped forward to battle the giant rats. Chaka was poisoned in the battle by the exploding bile of the rats. He stepped back and used Prestidigitation to clean his helmet as he recovered.  
Session 10 - The Sunken Shrine
While continuing forward, the party heard Draconic chanting, and Chaka cast a spell to understand it.   In the Spring of the Natant Yew, the party faced two Bulezau and other demons. In the combat, Chaka inspired Arwin and Demitri with his art.   Seeing Romsca fall, Chaka called out and rushed into the room. He felt a new energy in this place. With a glowing green light from beneath his helm, he brought vibrant green energy and flung it into the maw demon on Romsca, shooting it off of her. Chaka then rushed forward with green flame on his hammer towards the Bulezau.   The fiends were killed and prevented from completing a spell circle which would have created a source of corruption beneath Porgorag.   After the battle, Chaka cast Identify on the stone carried by the Bulezau, using Romsca’s offered pearl, and he learned it was a Stone of Good Luck.  
Session 11 - Porgorag's Light
The group left the sewers to speak with Godsguard Ankhan. The party told her what transpired, and she gave them about some information she’d gathered about the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. During the conversation, Chaka showed a sketch which displayed how far the protective barrier had shrunk around the dais.   Ankhan brought up her predecessor, Argilla, son of Kla. Chaka recognized the name, as well as the group Ankhan mentioned: The Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria.   As the group searched through the records in the church’s office, Chaka looked around the various art supplies left behind by Argilla. Chaka asked to take an empty container of a vibrant green paint, and Ankhan granted it to him.   After Romulus located a hidden spell scroll, most of the group chose to accompany the Godsguard back to the shrine. After the spell was successfully cast and the protective barrier was reinforced, Chaka helped clean some of the holy symbols around the shrine.  
Session 12 - Connections
The party regrouped at the Oknar Offices with Godsguard Ankhan. Ankhan brought them to her office, where Chaka asked about Argilla and his patron. While Ankhan arranged them an audience, Chaka investigated the cloth runner on the Godsguard’s desk.   They met with Oknar Jod and Watchguard Inzun, where they discussed their actions in the sewers and their concerns with the Coinguard. At the Oknar’s direction, Ankhan cast a Zone of Truth spell, and Chaka chose to not resist the effects.   Oknar Jod asked about Mortimr’s connections with the Tarterian Traders. He was concerned that Mortimr could be a part of a Tarterian Traders plot, just as much as Gim Gorod could. When he asked if Mortimr’s words could be trusted, Chaka and Romsca vouched for him.   The Oknar thanked the group and invited them back to the city for the Champion's Conquest celebration later in the month.   Later, at the Hero Hunters Facility, Haugon paid the group for their service and asked for their aid finding a lost Hero Hunters group in the west.   After they left, the group went to the Glistening Hog Tavern to east and rest. Inside, Chaka investigated the mounted taxidermy and woodwork of the building.  
Session 13 - Growing Ties
In the Glistening Hog Tavern, the party ate a late brunch, rested, and talked. At Demitri's suggestion, they played a drinking game and answered questions about themselves.   Over the course of the conversation, Chaka revealed information about himself. Chaka wears a helmet because he fears that those in northern Tarteria would not take him seriously as an artist. He feels they would not judge his work on its merit, but on his race. He said his type of artistry is not well understood in his home, either. Chaka also said he did not leave word of his departure, and was unsure if there was anyone seeking him. After expressing an ask for the group’s discretion, he revealed he is a hobgoblin.   After they finished their meal, Chaka looked in the shops and stalls of Second Square for any art items for sale, but didn’t find anything. At the Yewberry Apothecary, Chaka asked Minagak about ingredients or materials used as dyes. She had some from her supplies, showing her strong scented oils and acids. Chaka asked if she could have a small sample of them to try, and he paid for some small vials.   Outside the apothecary, the group heard a set of notes echoing around them which sounded very familiar to Chaka and Mortimr.  
Session 14 - Voltha's Walk
In Westfield, Chaka picked up the glass vial that had appeared in the street. Mortimr determined this vial was the exact one Minagak just used to provide Chaka’s sample. The party continued across town towards Eastfield. They reached a section of several specialty shops called Voltha’s Walk.   At Cloak and Trident, Orkid Aspara sold Chaka a Handy Spice Pouch. Chaka asked some questions about the Hat of Disguise sold to the Coinguard and how one might be able to tell if one were being used.   At First Mountain Jewels, Chaka bought a pearl ring, which Kororsh resized to fit his hand. Chaka was captivated with Kororsh and sketched him during the group’s conversation.   Lastly, they went to Pages for Ages, and Chaka and Watchguard Inzun waited outside. While waiting, Chaka broke a string on his yarting.  
Session 15 - Snakes and Smokescreens
The party regrouped at the Darksteel Foundry and took time to prepare for their evening meeting.   During this time, Chaka admired Romsca’s new armor. He also helped Romsca disguise herself using clay and body paint. Romsca instructed Chaka on the desired look as he applied the color, sharing some of the red dye she used with Chaka. As they worked, they discussed their parents.   In the evening, they returned to the Glistening Hog Tavern. To prepare, Chaka blended into the crowd in Second Square and while waiting, he looked around for vendors at the same time.   After the Coinguard arrived, Chaka purchased a large sum of food and entered the tavern, trying to call the civilians out of the tavern.   When the Coinguard tried to flee, Chaka messaged Ilmendwyth and the elf informed him Gorod was disguised as Kororsh. As the crowd rushed out, Chaka saw approaching guards from the street.  
Session 16 - Planting Seeds, Parting Gifts
The party regrouped, leaving the tavern to investigate Gim Gorod's Residence. Inside the manor, they explored. Chaka investigated a portrait of Gim Gorod, noting it was a passionless work with no signature. He also decried the manor’s décor.   In the master bedroom, as Demitri was attacked by a trapped wardrobe, Chaka saw a hidden safe behind it. Inside, they located Gim Gorod’s journal, and they left the manor out the back and climbed the back fence.   At the Darksteel Foundry, they discussed the journal’s contents. After, they rested. Chaka idly doodled a somewhat chaotic drawing before sleeping.   In a dream, Chaka found himself in a place of earthen colors with the taste of metal in the air. Chaka was pushed over a ridge by a pack of guard drakes, and he saw a massive battlefield of soldiers…   Chaka jolted awake, which woke up Gertrude, Romsca, and Ilmendwyth. They discussed his dream and the strange glowing mark on his neck. In the morning, Romsca gave an engraved ring to Chaka.   Outside, Chaka and Mortimr approached Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders, speaking with the Auglosilf family. Chaka gave Lilys several spices from his enchanted pouch. Ronpip gave Chaka a hug and said goodbye. After the family boarded the Provideniye, as the ship was sailing away, Chaka noticed a small, green furred creature briefly appear and wave.   Along with the rest of the Lightbringers, Chaka left Porgorag with the aid caravan, headed south.  
Session 17 - Setting Out
On 4 Adroth 5A 352, Chaka and the others set out from Porgorag southwards on the Orc Highway. On the road the first day, Chaka looked for inspiration and spent time doing study sketches of the party and the caravan guards.   As evening came, Captain Ruslan ordered camp, and the caravan pulled off the road. During the evening watches, Chaka joined Moritmr and Demitri. Chaka raised his helmet and softly played his yarting in the firelight. Mortimr asked him if he knew Lament of the Mountain, which Chaka did not. He offered to match the tune if Mortimr hummed or sang it, but he declined and dropped it.   Demitri asked them about Kelwin, and they shared their opinions on him. Chaka thanked Demitri for joining them on the watch, and in the morning, he gifted Demitri a small drawing of an armadillo he’d seen during the night.   The next day on 5 Adroth 5A 352, they continued on. Chaka felt the weather would be clear and bright today, and Romulus confirmed this with his druidic magic.   After midday, traveling in the opposite direction, there was a dwarf driving a carriage that seemed off to the group. Chaka cast Detect Thoughts on the dwarf. Chaka quickly could tell he was incredibly nervous and ready to lie and declare he was not a merchant. He also heard the dwarf’s fears that they might be rebels, as the dwarf seemed concerned of an attack on the highway.  
Session 18 - Cards and Conversations
In the evening of 5 Adroth, Chaka foraged for wild mallow and overheard Romsca and Ilmendwyth talking about Arwin and his views. Chaka felt for Romsca’s plight at being perceived by her race first and her person second, and felt it was refreshing to hear Ilmendwyth’s perspective, to know that preconceptions are not held by everyone.   Back at the group’s camp, Chaka joined the questions drinking game. Chaka talked about why he makes his own supplies, and his origins from Clan Bactrian. Chaka said his home had been stifling, and the expectations of his family and clan made leaving difficult.   During the overnight watches, Chaka approached Gertrude and said he wasn’t sure what he could’ve said during Arwin and Romsca’s earlier argument. Chaka said he thought of punching both of them to end the argument, but acknowledged that wouldn’t have been received as he’d intend.   Mortimr said all the best art pieces have emotion in them. Chaka said it was an apt observation. Mortimr suggested the scene could be a source of inspiration for Chaka.  
Session 19 - The Roadside Cairn
In the evening of 7 Adroth, Chaka joined some of the others to investigate an old Tarterian War battlefield near to the caravan camp. When Gertrude thought she heard the sound of shearing metal, she asked if Chaka had heard it, too. Chaka said he hadn’t, and suggested they return to the camp.  
Session 20 - Drawn to Fire
Demitri and Chaka took the second overnight watch. Chaka idly sketched during this time until Demitri spotted a half-orc bandit named Drok.   The party captured him, and he seemed to recognize Mortimr and Chaka. Mortimr explained he and Chaka had encountered Drok before when they were accosted by bandits in Axe-Breaker Thicket. At the time, Chaka and Mortimr had warned him away from returning to a life of crime.   When ghosts attacked the caravan, Chaka joined Captain Ruslan and Mortimr to aid the far side of the caravan’s camp. As one of the ghosts fled from Romsca’s divine channeling, it rushed through a wagon towards Chaka. He was able to duck out of the way as it rushed away into the darkness.  
Session 21 - Axe-Breaker Blessings
When the caravan passed a Dire Pangolin, Chaka was in charge of the rear wagon.   At Axe-Breaker Thicket, Chaka gathered a slim amount of the red sap from the felled log near the roadway.  
Session 22 - Raised Voices
In the morning of 9 Adroth, Chaka approached Drok. Chaka was disappointed he did not try art as he had suggested. He said Drok lacked skills, and he gave him some parchment and charcoal, saying, “Art. Please.” After he made a sketch, Chaka complimented it. Before Drok left with the Lieutenant Vramas, Chaka gave him more art supplies.   During the travel, Chaka foraged for dye and was joined by Ilmendwyth. Ilmendwyth asked if Chaka had seen the World Tree before. Chaka had heard stories and seen a painting of the tree. Ilmendwyth asked for a small painting to remind him of home. Chaka said he would be honored to do so, as he had never been asked to craft a commissioned artwork before.   On 10 Adroth, they discussed the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. When concerns about Mortimr came up, Chaka said, “Mortimr, for the love of art, what is going on with you?” Mortimr replied if they got through this, he’d let Chaka know.   Before Demitri attempted to attune to the ring, Chaka inspired him with a finely crafted art piece.   In the ensuing argument, Chaka heard the approaching sound of moving earth and felt the ground begin to tremble.  
Session 23 - Acid and Fire
The argument over the green ring was interrupted by tunneling ankhegs that attacked the group. Chaka prepared by inspiring Ilmendwyth with Work #69: Tree Study.   Chaka used his magic to cast Green Flame Blade on his warhammer and brawled with the ankheg adults and youths. He was caught by one, but Romulus used Cinis to transport him out of the ankheg’s mandibles.  
Session 24 - A Dream of Iron
While the Warden Rangers worked, Chaka also collected some of the dark ankheg ichor for its staining properties.   That night, Chaka had a nightmare in the same metallic dreamscape. As he oriented himself, he reached for parchment but initially grabbed his warhammer instead. He noticed a warrior from the battlefield approach and speak in a foreign language.   Chaka tried to cast Calm Emotions, but it didn’t affect the man. He attacked Chaka with his axe. Chaka then cast Detect Thoughts and heard the man’s murderous thoughts. The man cleaved the greataxe into Chaka’s shoulder and pressed down, slowly killing him.   Chaka awoke in his tent to Arwin and Ilmendwyth attempting to rouse him. Disoriented and panicked, Chaka grabbed his weapon and swung it, damaging his tent. Arwin asked to investigate the marking on Chaka’s neck, and Chaka removed his helmet. Chaka did not return to sleep after the nightmare.   During the travel on 11 Adroth, Chaka struggled with his exhaustion. Several of the party aided him; Romsca healed him, Romulus cast Longstrider on him, and Gertrude shared some ale.   That evening, Demitri asked Chaka about the marking. Demitri noted the rune’s literal meaning. He asked if Chaka always had the mark, and Chaka said no. Chaka told of a time in the Drackhan Tundra when he should have died and was seemingly spared. It was after that he first noticed the marking. Though he didn’t know the origins of the mark, Chaka worried that his death had just been postponed instead.   Demitri asked about the dreams, and Chaka drew them on parchment for the group. From the sketches, Demitri felt confident the dream was about the Infinite Battlefield. Chaka’s people worshipped Barduumus, but he didn’t know what connection that could have with the symbol on Chaka’s neck.  
Session 25 - Rose Glasses, Clay Compass
During the discussion about Mortimr’s entity, Chaka asked him how he communicated with it. The group prepared for Mortimr to see the ring, and Chaka kept at a distance. During his investigation, Chaka watched Mortimr, seeing that he developed a more calm and steady stance.   The next day, they discussed what to do with the ring as they approached New Keeleon. Chaka was somewhat familiar with the city. He brought up several inns he knew of, and the group thought to rent a room at the Far Bar Inn and have someone hold the ring there.   Just after midday, Chaka entered New Keeleon through Argil’s Gate along with the aid caravan.  
Session 26 - Names, New and Old
Inside Argil’s Gate, Chaka took down a missing persons poster for Mortimr.   They reached the Breakwater Keep and entered to speak with Nalt Oknar Rulla, Watchguard Stuzrog, Godsguard Shumedzar, and Lord Lortuk. After, they were directed to wait nearby for the arranged payment, which was brought and distributed shortly.   While waiting, Arwin spied on Sir Talmid’s conversation with the city officials, he returned to the group and quietly shared what he’d learned as they left.   After they were escorted outside to the bailey, the group said goodbye to Ruslan. Chaka said, “it was nice to find another ally.”   The party regrouped at the Far Bar Inn. Chaka informed Mortimr there were missing posters for him, and he said he expected as much.   Arwin asked what the party’s plan in the city was. They started talking about tasks they should accomplish.   After the discussion, Mortimr asked Chaka to paint a yellow topaz gemstone cut like a sprocket with eight points. Mortimr initiated a Gnomish Gem Binding ritual. Chaka participated, saying, “most unusual.”   Chaka suggested they stay together for the time being, and he led the group to Victory Market to purchase supplies. Chaka restocked his paint and supplies, and he bought a Fanny Pack of Holding at Gralphank's Ten-Foot Pole Emporium.   Lastly, Chaka and Arwin sought out a courier service. Chaka sent a package with a letter south to Frozen Fleet Post.   That evening, they visited the Equus Orphanage and met Demitri’s mother. After they finished speaking with Zofi, they headed back to the Far Bar Inn.  
Session 27 - River and Sky
At the Far Bar Inn, Chaka spent time reorganizing his supplies in the Fanny Pack of Holding. Mortimr asked Chaka to paint his mask on the bottom of the old Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring box before they disposed of it. Later, they discussed their plans in the city.   In the morning of 13 Adroth, Arwin, Chaka, Romulus, and Mortimr entered the Catlinites. Chaka looked at the design and structure of the buildings around the guildhall.   Inside, Chaka asked an attendant about art pieces around the facility. Outside Talmid’s office, Chaka noticed an empty wall. The attendant said a new art piece had been commissioned from a local artist and would be placed there after the upcoming Watermill Gallery showing.  
Session 28 - An Interrupted Meal
They regrouped at the Far Bar Inn and shared what they’d learned. Chaka said Lord Lortuk had a "disagreeable countenance".   The group met Captain Ruslan for a Santeemite-themed lunch downstairs. However, Chaka said he had components he needed to buy and headed towards the market district.   Chaka returned to Gralphank’s Ten-Foot Pole Emporium. He purchased needed supplies asked if Gralphank would be willing to trade a more expensive jeweled horn for one of his art pieces, “Work #84: A Basket Study ”.   Gralphank said he’d trade the horn for the art and a favor. If Chaka’s party could get his tiefling potion supplier what she needed, he’d provide the jeweled horn. Chaka said he would see what her group could do.   Chaka returned to the Far Bar Inn and found his companions had left. He made to head upstairs but ran into Lord Lortuk in the lobby. Lortuk recognized Chaka as a caravan guard and seemed happy to see him.   Lortuk asked about Romulus. Chaka feigned ignorance, but Lortuk seemed to know Romulus was in the building. Lortuk said he had a request to make of his “old friend” and asked Chaka to relay a message to him asking to meet.   He seemed content to wait for Chaka to relay his message, but Chaka did not move, saying, “Is our conversation quite done?” Lortuk scribbled onto a parchment and held it out for Chaka to take. After a long moment, he took it, and Lortuk left the tavern.   Chaka quickly looked over the parchment and cast Identify on it. A Comprehend Languages spell revealed hidden druidic text. He made sure Lortuk was actually gone, then rushed upstairs.  
Session 29 - A Lord’s Investigation
At the Far Bar Inn, Chaka reached the room with Romulus and Mortimr. Chaka checked they were alright, and Romulus told Chaka what happened with Ruslan and the city guards.   Chaka gave Lortuk’s message to Romulus. He asked why it was opened, and Chaka lied it was folded the same way he had received it. Chaka asked what he knew about Lortuk. When Chaka said Lortuk seemed to know the group was staying at the inn, Mortimr urged them to quickly leave.   The party regrouped at Victory Market. Chaka helped look for the door from Lortuk’s message. While searching, Chaka overheard a conversation involving “blue bricks”, “kenku”, and “coin”. He also overheard Romulus speaking to Cinis in druidic, talking about Lortuk bringing up the Hermit’s name.   They found the entrance and most of the group went in. Chaka, Rosmca, and Ruslan remained outside. Chaka cast a magical hut in the alley and they watched the door from nearby. To pass the time while waiting, Chaka began to teach some painting skills to Romsca, saying, “This may be the perfect time for your first art lesson.”  
Session 30 - On the Riverbank
While waiting, Chaka led Romsca and Captain Ruslan in creating artistic sketches. Chaka made a depiction of the enchanted doorway nearby. Romsca felt her art was terrible, but Chaka encouraged her and said the piece showed growth. Chaka said, “When I first started, I, too, had much to learn, but starting is good.”   In the alley, they overheard Shur talk with a concerned woman about faith. As they talked, the broken door again created a doorway, and the pair quickly left.   The Lightbringers regrouped. Chaka asked, “Do we like this Lord Lortuk now?” The group replied with a strong no.   Before leaving the Victory Market, the group spoke to merchants about the missing coinguard. Chaka caught Mortimr rustling in his pack. Chaka said the fanny pack was closed to him.   In the late evening, they returned to Far Bar Inn, ate, and rested. Demitri asked Chaka and Romsca to add a design of a roaring lion’s head to the back of his armor. Chaka asked about the design he envisioned.   In the morning of 14 Adroth, they took the main roadway into the Embankment district. At the Augurs, Chaka was alerted to a clay offering at Esturk’s shard. Chaka could tell it had been created whole rather than crafted by hand.   At Barduumus’s shard, Chaka invoked a Green Flame Blade. He kneeled and said, “I do not yet claim to understand these dreams I receive, but I thank you for the life you have granted me. I shall do with it the best I can.”   While kneeling in the silence, Chaka noticed Nedurr, the Mud Mage, and Argilla near the riverbank. Chaka asked Ilmendwyth what he could see of the scene. They approached and questioned Nedurr. At his raised voice, they were ambushed by a pack of mudmutts. Chaka was stunned by a sonic croak. After he recovered, he incapacitated the mudmutts in the water with a Hypnotic Pattern. Chaka helped Ilmendwyth pull Ruslan’s body to the shore. He called out for help, and Mortimr revived him.   Nearby, Argilla called to the group, “Quickly! Away from the water, this way, this way!” Gathering the wounded, the group rushed northwards towards the Watermill Gallery.  
Session 31 - These Old Artists
Argilla asked if the group was alright. Chaka seemed unsure if they were. He thanked Argilla for the aid, and Chaka spent time casting Prestidigitation to clean the clay and silt from the party’s clothing.   Argilla formally introduced himself. Chaka said his art had preceded him, saying, “I would hope to someday achieve a skill level similar to yours in my pursuits in becoming a better artist.” He listed Argilla’s paintings they had come across.   Argilla recalled the message Chaka had left him and remembered Chaka’s art. He said his patron was also extremely interested in Chaka’s work. Argilla brought them to his home, where Chaka noted his studio. He recognized a green shade of paint the same shade as residuum.   Argilla introduced Al'phonas Muchaelas. Al’phonas approached Chaka and asked to see “Work #34: Drackhan Tundra Landscape”. Argilla and Al’phonas examined it in detail, complimenting and commenting on the technique and style of it. Chaka listened intently for notes.   Chaka asked for any advice on growing his skill. Al’phonas asked what galleries Chaka had shown work in. Chaka said the Watermill Gallery was the only one thus far. Al’phonas said the way Chaka’s art captured natural beauty was unique. He’d only seen one other artist capable of it. He slyly said, “Sometimes your art does a bit more, doesn’t it?”   Chaka asked which painting had been stolen from Calen Estel. Al’phonas said it was one from the Unsigned Paintings of the Great Beasts, which were painted by another artist who could “capture the majesty of natural views”.   Chaka used his magic to produce a form of moldable clay of high quality to distract Nedurr. The bugbear was immediately distracted with it.   When discussing the residuum ring’s origins, Mortimr impatiently said, “That’s great. People are dying over this thing. Call you tell us anything about it?” Chaka reacted with shock. As they discussed elemental founts, Chaka wondered if the Great Beasts paintings were related.   Chaka asked if it was still possible to enter the Watermill Gallery show. Argilla said with the increased security, only members of KAST were allowed.   Al’phonas felt certain the Tarterian Traders were involved with the theft. He asked for Chaka’s help to create a decoy for the Watermill Gallery showing. In return, Al’phonas offered to induct Chaka as a member of KAST and fill the role of Chaka’s patron.   They agreed, and the party prepared to help Chaka as best they could.  
Session 32 - To Paint a Phoenix
On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Chaka spent the day working with Al’phonas to craft the decoy art piece. Before the first brushstroke, he prayed to Barduumus, saying, “May you guide my hand and allow my art to honor and do justice to my people.” When he was working alone, he took off his helmet to focus.   Though Chaka was off to a rough start, the rest of the group aided him through the day. The stormy scene of the piece began coming together. Meanwhile, Chaka used Prestidigitation to make clay for Nedurr to distract him.   That night, Chaka had another dream of the Infinite Battlefield. He encountered the same human figure in old armor. Chaka cast Comprehend Languages and grabbed his warhammer without hesitation. At the end, Chaka scattered the man into the ground, and the energy of Dynamia seemed to fill him. The dream faded and Chaka returned to slumber.   On 15 Adroth 5A 352, after Gertrude received a Sending from Bishop Rannyl, she shared the message with the party. Chaka was curious about the artist of the unsigned Great Beast paintings.   Chaka spent this day working on the painting. With the Lightbringer’s assistance, he made great strides. Chaka made the piece authentic to his experience and imbued the art with pigments he gathered from his journey. Chaka felt it would be best to rest and try again in the morning instead of pushing on into the night.   At the end of the day, Mortimr asked Chaka to Argilla’s balcony. Mortimr said the success of their plan was important. Mortimr handed Chaka a worn strip of leather. Chaka asked if it belonged to Mortimr’s brother, but Mortimr didn’t reply. They both sat in silence in the pouring rain, looking out over New Keeleon.  
Session 33 - History and Heroes
In the morning of 16 Adroth, Chaka was awoken by Nedurr standing over him. Chaka quickly crafted another magical clay ball, and Nedurr contentedly took it to the corner.   Romsca said the painting was the finest she had seen. Chaka blushed in response. Al’phonas was impressed with the progress, and he could tell the Great Phoenix was what remained. Chaka was humbled he could tell so quickly, but Al’phonas encouraged him, though he was sorry they couldn’t attribute Chaka’s name to the painting.   Al’phonas gave Chaka his registration papers for the Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria. He said everything was set for Chaka’s submission.   They discussed the plan for the opening. Arwin asked Chaka about the gallery layout, and Demitri asked about magical defenses. Romsca didn’t believe she was well suited to this mission. She said her people didn’t appreciate art and it would be suspicious. Chaka pointed out that Romsca had an interest, though.   Nedurr’s playdough faded, and Chaka remade it. Argilla asked if Nedurr was to stay in the house. Chaka said this was a “later problem”, though he didn’t want to disturb Argilla’s creative process.   With aid from the group, Chaka completed the Great Phoenix painting. After, Chaka returned the leather piece to Mortimr. He was impressed with the art.   With the decoy piece completed, Chaka debated and chose “Work #53: Pa Gathering Firewood” to submit to the show. Argilla and Al’phonas took Chaka’s art to the gallery. As Chaka’s unease at the showing grew, Romsca said, “You will eventually get used to it. And you deserve it.”   At the gallery opening, they overheard some excitement from the gathered nobles about a rumored rare art piece on display. Gertrude and Chaka shared a quick look.   Chaka and Demitri entered together. They explored the side gallery and Demitri told Chaka of an art movement going on in Santeem. Chaka wondered if he would benefit from studying different art styles.   Nearby, Chaka overheard two elves making snide comments, the same two elves that Chaka overheard from his last showing , and he pointed the pair out to Demitri. Chaka and Demitri returned to the main gallery, where they saw Shur speaking with Al’phonas.  
Session 34 - Watermill Melee
Chaka cast a Detect Thoughts spell on Shur, who believed Gertrude was a hired mercenary. Chaka pulled out a whistle-stick and played a note of warning, alerting the guards and the party to the danger.   Chaka heard Shur decide a clean getaway wasn’t possible. Chaka moved towards him in the smoke. Chaka felt Shur move first towards the front door, then stop and rush out the backdoor. Shur broke Chaka’s spell.   Chaka plowed over an elven civilian to the back walkway. Shur jumped thirty feet into the air to the gallery roof. Chaka quickly used a Prestidigitation spell on the Great Phoenix painting, which applied a steak-flavored scent to the canvas.   At the back, Chaka barreled past the pair of rude elves into the side storage room. He helped put out the fire, then went into the main gallery. He cast a hypnotic spell on the last cultist, and the nearby guard subdued him.   Chaka exited the building and rejoined some of the group. Ruslan reached them and provided their gear.  
Session 35 - On the Scent
Ruslan handed out gear to Chaka, Mortimr, Gertrude and Demitri, and they reequipped themselves. Chaka tried to reenter the gallery but was stopped by the guards. He looked to the gathering crowd for a kenku but found none.   Demitri and Chaka tried to intimidate the captured cultists. Demitri demanded to know where in the guildhall the acolyte was fleeing to. The cultist seemed either too uninformed or too loyal to the cult to provide answers.   The party regrouped at the gate to the Catlinites and headed to a warehouse near the Commandment of Sky Guildhall. After dispatching sentries, they entered and found a hidden passage to the main guildhall. Chaka showed Arwin “Work #56: Urva Making Mischief” to inspire him.   Arwin found a hidden metal door bearing an elemental plane sigil. The party attempted to cross, and Chaka unveiled “Work # 58: Ma's Award-Winning Bread” to Romsca to aid her.   Beneath the guildhall, the group found the Chamber of Titles. They overheard conversation between Talmid and Shur, but they triggered a trap. As Demtiri and Romsca moved towards orbs set in the walls, two large elementals apparated in front of them and attacked.  
Session 36 - The Chamber of Titles
Chaka tried to incapacitate Talmid and Shur with magic, but both resisted the effects.   Chaka attacked the blue orb tethered to the air elemental with a Thunderwave spell, which bypassed its resistance.   As Mortimr lashed Talmid with pink magic, Chaka cast a Hypnotic Pattern spell on Talmid. The man’s face went blank and arms fell slack. Chaka yelled out, “Don’t touch him!”   They argued about Mortimr’s implied methods, and Chaka suggested they had other immediate priorities. He suggested if Mortimr wanted to apply pain, to do so later. As the argument continued, Chaka recast the spell on Talmid. Chaka noticed the cages in the storage room and suggested that they lock Talmid inside while they investigate the area.   Chaka followed the scent of steak to the research room. Chaka quickly grabbed what he could and looked around. Chaka felt two people had frequently used this room as one point.   On the wall nearby was an arrangement of stones. They seemed to shimmer, and Chaka went to investigate with an Identify spell.  
Session 37 - Petals, Paintings, Pasts
In the research room, Chaka noted the writings had two primary sets of handwriting. He also noted that the most recent writings only showed one.   Chaka felt energy transmitting an elemental sigil network. It activated and Azariel and Maalik appeared, asking who Chaka was. Chaka lied, saying he was a prisoner.   Maalik seemed to recognize the group. She asked why they were in her workshop. Chaka said, “If this is your workshop, why aren’t you here?” Azariel demanded they provide the ring. Chaka feigned ignorance.   The group was tired and it was past midnight, but they chose to stay and continue looking through the rooms. Chaka and Romsca identified the various magical items they’d found.   Chaka quickly painted the genasi. When he noticed the Great Leviathan painting, he was awestruck and noticed two hidden letters. He transcribed them to Ilmendwyth, but they couldn’t find any meaning in the letters.   The group settled down in the rooms to rest, thinking over the events of the day and the genasi they were involved with.   Chaka had another dream of the Infinite Battlefield. He recognized this as a dream and climbed a cairn of piled metallic stones. At the summit, he could see far across Dynamia.  
Session 38 - The Prophets of Regression
Over the next days, they dug into the research, journals, and materials they found. Chaka took sketches of the runes in the Chamber of Titles, the elemental sigil, and the spell circle in the ritual room. He took care to keep it in two pieces just in case.   They discovered information about the Prophets of Regression and the genasi’s actions. Chaka shared the letters he found in the research room. At the end of studying all this information, they theorized what this all meant.   Chaka consulted with the party about sharing the Great Leviathan painting with Al’phonas. He then met with Al’phonas outside the Watermill Gallery. Al’phonas asked what they found out about his missing Great Behemoth painting.   Chaka said they weren’t able to recover it, but they did find the Great Leviathan painting. Chaka asked about the initials “S” and “E”, but Al’phonas didn’t recognize them either. Chaka asked Al’phonas to share any further rumors about the paintings he may hear.   Al’phonas wanted to put Chaka’s painting and the Great Leviathan painting on display at the Galleria Magnifico. Chaka originally asked his name to be left off the piece until a later time, but with encouragement from the party, he signed his art with residuum paint.   Al’phonas gave Chaka three thousand gold for the group’s assistance and in exchange for displaying the paintings at his gallery. Chaka thanked him and said he looked forward to their future work together.   Chaka stopped by Argilla’s home. He gave Nedurr a small painting of them as a gift. Chaka also set aside a bag of coins for Argilla, with the intent to purchase his “Paint No Mountain High Enough” painting.   In the late afternoon of 18 Adroth, Rulla sent Lord Lortuk to gather the Lightbringers. On the way, Chaka split the money from Al’phonas to the party, including Ruslan.   The group discussed what next move would be best and chose Red Lake as priority, then they would cycle back to the ankheg nest.   At the Breakwater Keep they were brought before Nalt Oknar Rulla. Chaka presented sketches of the genasi.   As reward for their actions, the Lightbringers were given the Rill Priory and invited as guests of honor to the Champion’s Conquest festivities.



Chaka stated he is from Clan Bactrian in southern Tarteria. He has family in the Hobgoblin Khanate. Chaka mentioned having a younger brother and father.

Character Information

Notable Items

  • Yarting: Chaka's musical instrument.
  • Platinum Ring: A ring given by Romsca, engraved with the image of a paint palette.

Known Works of Art

  • Masterwork Painting of the Great Phoenix: a masterwork rendition of the Great Phoenix flying in a thunderstorm, using a variety of dyes and paints gathered from across northern Tarteria. It was displayed at the Watermill Gallery and later at the Galleria Magnifico.
  • Work #11: Red Blades: a completed piece showing an elite military formation of hobgoblins in strict, perfect unison.
  • Work #34: Drackhan Tundra Landscape: a landscape of the northern hills of the Drackhan Tundra in greyscale. It is a quiet and contemplative piece. It was submitted to a showing in the Watermill Gallery.
  • Work #42: Field of Flowers: a landscape of a field of five-pointed silver rhododendrons with a backdrop of red mountains.
  • Work #53: Pa Gathering Firewood: a landscape piece showing a male figure chopping wood outisde of a small homestead in the background. It was submitted to a showing in the Watermill Gallery.
  • Work #54: Ma Baking Her Award-Winning Bread: a domestic scene of a frontier-style building, with a female figure pulling out a detailed and lovingly-drawn loaf of bread from an oven.
  • Work #56: Urva Making Mischief: a scene of a young hobgoblin boy chasing a small family pet javelina, causing things to be scattered and tossed about.
  • Work #58: Ma's Award-Winning Bread: a still-life of a freshly baked loaf of bread, with steam lines, wrapped in a lovely terrycloth that fades into the background.
  • Work #69: Tree Study: a study of bark and leaves, forming a beginning of the concept pieces of the World Tree commission piece.
  • Work #83: Owl's Stare: part anatomy drawing, part study of motion, this is a charcoal drawing of an owl in a snowscape with outstretched wings.
  • Work #84: A Basket Study: a study of a still life of a pile of wicker baskets.
  • Work #90: Portrait of Urva: a sketch rendered in warm colors, showing a young, reckless hobgoblin.


  • "I will help you however I can, by whatever means I can." - 2.0.2, said to the Auglosilf Family in New Keeleon before joining them northwards.
  • "Behold my art!" - 2.7
  • "I fear that if those here were to know my true visage, they would not take me seriously as an artist, nor would I know if I made it as an artist." - 2.13
  • "You cannot have a rainbow without some rain." - 2.18
  • "Perhaps being saved, eventually, the life I have will be taken." - 2.24
  • "As an artist, I currently have limited funds." - 2.28
  • "I do not yet claim to understand these dreams I receive, but I thank you for the life you have granted me. I shall do with it the best I can." - 2.30
2024 Character Art by J Pleshe
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Current Location
Date of Birth
5A 325
Drackhan Tundra
Aligned Organization
Related Reports
Chaka Image 2.png
2023 Character Art by J Pleshe

2024 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by G.F.