Mortimr Gwathagoldrin

Gnome Sorcerer, Shadow Magic, Investigator

"I'm the bad wizard."
Mortimr Gwathagoldrin, also known as "Zildri", is a gnome sorcerer who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. He is played by J.P.    



Mortimr is a brooding and somber gnome. He stands a little short, even for a gnome. He has a scrawny gnomish build. His face tends to be grumpy-looking, even when at rest. His hair is tinged with graying and a bit unkempt, which he keeps it roughly slicked back. He also has an unshaved beard.   Mortimr has huge glasses that make his eyes appear gigantic. He wears a prim and fine buttoned suit outfit with dark pants, a thin tie, and black shoes. Over this, he has a brown trench coat or long jacket that is weathered.   The magic wielded by Mortimr is pink and flowing, like the petals of a flower. With some of his spells, the area in close proximity to Mortimr gains a floral scent, like that of roses. Mortimr does not seem to show full control over the spells he wields.



Mortimr was born into the Gwathagoldrin gnome family. Their family name roughly translates to "Gnome of happiness". Mortimr grew up with his younger brother Borli Gwathagoldrin in the town of Tempe in the Santeem Republic. At some point Borli stole some food from an orc mercenary to give to a dog.   Mortimr took a job as an accountant with the Tarterian Traders and moved to Kievs in the Queendom of Keeleon. Borli moved with him and also began working with the Traders, and was planning to join the 5A 352 Santeem Republic Aid Caravan when it arrived.   Around 14 Madaet 5A 352, Borli came to Mortimr's apartment in the Prominade District late at night. He was franctic and told Mortimr about an interaction with the Traders guard captain he was working under and a hooded figure with a hand tattoo. An item was exchanged for money, and Borli heard whispers of a "next one".   The next day, when Mortimr was leaving the Dispensary after his shift, he saw a figure with a hand tattoo that matched the discription Borli gave enter behind him. Mortimr made a report to his supervisor about it.   At some point after this, Mortimr received Borli's severed head in a box delivered to his apartment. With the head was the message "Toe the Line" written in blood on the back of the Santeem Aid Caravan flyer.   On the night of 20 Madaet 5A 352, Mortimr used the Wild Gathering as cover to approach the Flowercrown District, as he knew fewer people would be present during the festival. He entered the Kievs Morounin Archive and encountered a strange elven-looking tome covered in dust and cobwebs.

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Session 0.2 - Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders
In the late night of 20 Madaet 5A 352, Mortimr had a nightmare about his brother Borli's death. He was not able to stop the flow of the memories, and it was as if something was flipping through them in his mind, stopping at certain scenes of the events. Mortimr saw when his brother told him about the man with the hand tattoo, him receiving the box with Borli's head, and the tome he found after sneaking into the Kievs Morounin Archive. As anger filled Mortimr, he heard a soothing voice in his head, saying, "It is okay, my darling... I know it is hard. I’m here for you...” and he was enveloped in pink light.   In the early morning of 21 Madaet 5A 352, Mortimr awoke in an alley in the Flowercrown District of Kievs. He had no memory of how he got there. Mortimr decided to follow the upcoming Santeem Republic Aid Caravan as it had some type of attachment to both the Tarterian Traders and what happened to his brother. In the Prominade District, Mortimr found Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders and he snuck into the undercarriage with the family's child, Ronpip. Ronpip asked if Mortimr was "a bad people" and Mortimr said he didn't know. Shortly after, the cart made its way northwards onto the Orc Highway.   On 27 Madaet 5A 352, Kelwin's cart was parked at The Augurs in New Keeleon. The cart was approached by Chaka who drew the attention of Kelwin and his family, as well as Mortimr. Chaka was offered a job as an escort for the cart and joined. Chaka was suspicious of what else may be hidden under the cart and used a light spell to illuminate the area, but Mortimr was able to hide. However, Mortimr did see a dark shape in the area under the cart. The next morning on 28 Madaet, the group continued northwards after paying a wagon wheel tax to leave the city.   During their travel, while Chaka investigated Ronpip's music box, Mortimr cast an illusion spell to make the face of a demon jump out at him. Mortimr also attempted to find if any other figure was in the undercarriage with him and Ronpip but found no answers.   On 30 Madaet 5A 352, they reached the intersection for the Black Marsh Road in Axe-Breaker Thicket. They were accosted by bandits who had felled a tree across the road and attempted to rob them. Quickly, Mortimr emerged from the cart and for the first time he and Chaka clearly saw each other. He immediately cast a sphere of darkness, and Mortimr cast many offensive spells during the fighting. Though Mortimr and Chaka were wounded, they quickly killed three of the bandits and the fourth ran away into the trees.   After the fight, Kelwin approached Mortimr to thank him. He gave his name as "Zildri". Nearby, Mortimr investigated the bandit's nearby camp. Chaka asked for his help clearing the tree and Mortimr began to blast it with magic, become angry and yelling as he did so. Chaka and Kelwin did not interrupt him, and eventually the tree was cleared. Mortimr gave Kelwin enough money to cover the wagon wheel taxes he had been paying for the travel, then returned to the undercarriage of the cart.   With the tree cleared, they continued northwards along the Orc Highway. On the morning of 1 Adroth 5A 352, on the coast in the distance they could see the coastal town of Porgorag, and they continued onward.  
Session 1 - Silvery-White Threads
On 1 Adroth 5A 352, Mortimr arrived in Porgorag on Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders. He seemed unimpressed with the Statue of Grupe. At Second Square, he left with Chaka and to Ronpip said, "take care of yourself kid". They eventually reached the Darksteel Foundry, where Mortimr noted the shrine to Morounin, The Learned-Lady, outside.   Along with the other caravan members, he met with Borscha Brickwell and Captain Levka Ruslan.   Mortimr noted that it didn't make sense that elven goods were coming from Calen Estel for a Santeem Republic caravan, and Demitri agreed. Mortimr investigated the elven crates more and opened one up with the help of Romsca, Smelter of Ingots. Inside were elven textiles and bolts of cloth. He looked for a hidden bottom, but found nothing.   After the party asked questions of Borscha and Ruslan, they decided to head out to the city to see what could be done about the missing carriages.  
Session 2 - Searching for Carriages
Mortimr went with most of the party to the Yellow Quay, where they waited to meet Warguard Ghuzzakk. While waiting, Mortimr subtly listened at the closed doorway and overheard part of a conversation between the Warguard and Coinguard Gim Gorod.   Chaka saw through the doorway a person he thought might be the Coinguard. Chaka left and Mortimr followed after him. During the conversation with the Coinguard, Mortimr put on a lapel pin with the symbol of the Tarterian Traders. Once he did, Gim Gorod started avoiding eye contact with him. After the conversation while the party discussed what had happened, Mortimr snuck away.   That evening, Mortimr located the Oknar Offices and watched the entrance. As he watched for several hours, he saw an older orc man leave the office, seemingly an official of some kind. He also eventually saw the Coinguard and his retinue enter the offices and leave again in short order. As the Coinguard left back to the city, Mortimr followed after.  
Session 3 - Guildhalls and Churches
In the evening of 1 Adroth 5A 352, Mortimr followed Coinguard Gim Gorod to his residence in Grupe’s Row. He heard conversation inside, but he was unable to get close enough to hear the words. After midnight, he saw Gim Gorod’s bodyguards leave. An hour or so later, Mortimr saw another figure, a young half-orc man, leave the residence. Mortimr followed him towards Westfield.   Mortimr followed to the Cardinal Desires brothel and went inside. He tried to locate the half-orc but got lost in the disorienting interior. He found a stage in the center of the building, where a female hobgoblin danced with a tambourine. Mortimr pretended to be drunk and overheard rumors of additional soldiers coming to the Yellow Quay. Eventually, Mortimr found his way out of the building.   In the early hours of 2 Adroth, Mortimr returned to the Darksteel Foundry. There, he found Romsca waiting for him. She asked if he was there to cause problems and referred to his Tarterian Traders emblem. He replied, "The Tarterian Traders need to be burnt to the fucking ground." With that, Romsca was satisfied, and they joined the rest sleeping in the Foundry.   In the morning of 2 Adroth 5A 352, they discussed what to do next. Mortimr told Demitri he had an idea to get leverage on the Coinguard by going to his residence, sneaking in the back, and threatening him. The party felt it was extreme, but filed it away as a worst-case scenario.   At the Hero Hunters Facility the party agreed to exchange their services for covered wagons. Across the campus, they approached the abandoned storehouse and prepared to investigate.  
Session 4 - Dusty Dens
The party headed to the abandoned storehouse of the Hero Hunters Facility. Inside, they investigated the abandoned manor and found clues to the previous residents. Mortimr looked for footprints and signs of creatures.   Mortimr was the first to go downstairs. As they moved into the basement, he stepped on a broken board and alerted the demons and oozes that were inside, and they attacked the party. In the battle, he cast offensive spells that ricocheted into multiple enemies.   After the battle, the party argued if they should close the tunnels or enter them and investigate, but while they debated, Mortimr collapsed the tunnels.  
Session 5 - Reports of Demons
After their battle, Mortimr returned with most of the others to report to Haugon. He seemed eager to kill the demons in the sewers.   After leaving Haugon, Mortimr interacted with Chaka and then visited Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders in Second Square. He provided some gold to Kelwin, saying it was for the wheel tax, and he commissioned a custom mask, which Kelwin said would be ready the next day. Nearby, he also purchased a small, blank journal.   Then, Mortimr went with Demitri and Chaka towards the Westfield shops.  
Session 6 - Strings of Prophecies
Mortimr and Demitri entered Cardinal Desires and spoke with Matriarch Eval and the hobgoblin twins, Meena and Naran. They learned of the interactions between the Coinguard and Meena, and Mortimr suggested that she keep her distance from her love interest, Kororsh, for his safety.   Naran told prophecies to them both. When she tried to read Mortimr however, a pink energy shot back at her and burned her hand and clouded her vision. To Mortimr, she said, “An adversary unknown to you walks a parallel path, distant but closing.”   As they left, near the door, Moritmr asked about the prophecy Demitri had gotten, and they both said there were uncomfortable memories brought up by it and thought it best to discuss it later. Before leaving, Mortimr received a Message spell from Chaka, and another shortly after letting them know it was safe.   The different groups reconvened at Cardinal Desires and shared the various information they’d gathered. To give them privacy, Mortimr used his magic to make the sounds of indistinct conversation around the area. Demitri brought up Meena’s interest in Kororsh, and Romsca shared that she knows Kororsh. She described him and Mortimr recognized this was the same figure he saw leaving the Coinguard’s manor last night.   Naran approached and spoke prophecies to them all. As she did, silver energy filled the room and spread to each of them, like strings of light woven in a web. The energies then broke and dissipated and Naran fainted.   The party then returned to the Darksteel Foundry. The party went to the warehouse and confronted the goliath who was acting strangely.  
Session 7 - Brawl for the Box
The party confronted the goliath guarding the strange black box and a fight ensued. Mortimr climbed onto the nearby weapon racks to gain a better view. He called forward his magical energies, but lost control of them and the spell wracked into Demitri.   After the fight, Mortimr helped Demitri tie up the goliath. As they worked, Demitri said, "Who taught you how to cast a spell? A fucking gopher?" With a mix of anger and shame, Mortimr said, "It won't happen again." Mortimr searched the goliath’s pockets and took 10 platinum from him. He also took off his brass knuckles and set them nearby.   During the party’s discussion after the fight, Mortimr asked Arwin about the redhaired woman he saw in Endor, specifically asking about her hands. Once the goliath recovered, he also asked him about the woman’s hands.   Mortimr’s main focus was the black box. He asked Borscha Brickwell why her guild was transporting a dangerous item, and said, "That fucking box leaves bodies behind it."  
Session 8 - Disparate Pieces
As the party went back to the black box, Romsca called Mortimr aside. She revealed that the crafted replica key was the same design and shape as his Tarterian Traders pin. Using Moritmr’s lapel pin, she was able to open the locking mechanism of the black box without activating any trap.   Captain Ruslan and the party started asking questions about the key. Mortimr said that he used to work for the Tarterian Traders and he no longer does. He also said the box had been a "source of personal pain."   After the magic on the box was dispelled, Mortimr opened the box and revealed the green ring. Mortimr set the ring on the ground of the courtyard and blasted it with his magic. The spell was absorbed into and through the ring violently, and Godsguard Ankhan was hurt. Mortimr rushed to her and helped Ankhan up.   Romulus smacked Mortimr, who turned immediately ready to throw a spell at the minotaur, saying, "Don’t fucking touch me!"   Mortimr felt a compulsion to reopen the box. He unlocked it, grabbed onto the ring, and intently stared at it. In response, Ilmendwyth and Romsca pulled him away, and Gertrude moved between the box and Mortimr. After he was released, Mortimr left the group and went to their shared room in the residence facilities.   As the party ate and discussed, Demitri asked Mortimr what his connection to the Tarterian Traders was. After sharing some of the beer Romulus crafted, Mortimr revealed his real name. He and his brother, Borli, had moved to Kievs about a year ago to work for the Tarterian Traders. Recently, Borli saw a suspicious hand off where a man with a hand tattoo “made a dark deal” involving a black box similar to the one the party just opened. After Mortimr reported it to his supervisor, Borli was killed and his head sent to Mortimr in a crate. Since then, Mortimr fled northwards.   Mortimr said he was sorry for what happened and for the risk to the Godsguard. He also said he didn’t know what had come over him earlier, either.  
Session 9 - Befouled Waters
That night, Mortimr had a nightmare where he committed many “unspeakable acts” which repeated until he was losing himself in it. Then, these feelings were dulled and muted in a pink haze. Mortimr was removed from it and a voice spoke gently to him. From this, Mortimr felt a sense of gratitude, relief, and concern from something else in this space, before he drifted to a dreamless sleep.   In the morning, he asked to borrow Romulus's copy of The Manual of Monsters.   They went to Westifeld to the sewer access marked by Romulus. They removed the rusted grate and entered the city’s sewers. Getting back as far as they had previously scouted, Romsca cast a protective spell on Mortimr, and they continued on.   Reaching a series of intersections, they noticed several creatures nearby. The group debated if they should put these things out of their misery, but elected to try to not risk a larger fight. Stealthily, they tried to continue by without alerting the creatures, but as Mortimr and Romsca moved into a side tunnel, Gray Oozes that were hanging on the ceiling dropped on them suddenly and the other beasts were drawn towards them.   In the battle, Mortimr used several spells against the oozes and beasts.  
Session 10 - The Sunken Shrine
While continuing forward, Ilmendwyth took point again with Mortimr.   In the Spring of the Natant Yew, the party faced two Bulezau and other demons. Mortimr had started near the back of the marching order, and in the combat, he ran forward to catch up. More maw demons were called back to the shrine, and Mortimr was attacked. He cast Darkness outside the shrine entrance, and he ran into the room with the rest of the party.   The fiends were killed and prevented from completing a spell circle which would have created a source of corruption beneath Porgorag. After the battle, Mortimr felt a strong sense of control and calm despite the intensity of battle.   Mortimr investigated the spell circle. It was a corruptive Hallow spell meant to make this shrine into a place of demonic influence. There were bundles of stolen herbs, oils, and incense set as material components for the spell. Mortimr took some of the bundles, including one branded with the logo of the Cloak and Trident.  
Session 11 - Porgorag's Light
After the battle, Romsca went to heal Mortimr, but he berated her for not healing herself first. In response, Gertrude healed Romsca.   The group talked about what they wanted to accomplish next. As the conversation continued, Mortimr suggested they walk and talk. Demitri brought up that the Coinguard seemed put off by Mortimr’s Tarterian Traders pin and suggested he use that to deceive him.   The group left the sewers to speak with Godsguard Ankhan. The party told her what transpired, and she gave them about some information she’d gathered about the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring.   Mortimr helped dig through journals and notes in the church’s office for information about the shrine. As Demitri and Romsca discussed Morounin Archives, Mortimr said they were “nothing special.”   After Romulus seemingly activated the statue of Joseppe, the Shadow Mage, and located a hidden spell scroll, both Ankhan and Gertrude made the hand sign of Zenethia, which Mortimr scoffed at.   Most of the group chose to accompany the Godsguard back to the shrine, but Arwin and Mortimr elected to stay behind. Demitri told them it would be beneficial to gather additional evidence against Coinguard Gim Gorod. Mortimr suggested they check out Gim Gorod's Residence.   Arwin and Mortimr reached Second Square. Mortimr sold the salvaged herbs, oils, and incense, then returned to Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders and retrieved his custom mask. He also gave Kelwin extra gold “for the wheel tax”. Kelwin told him they might be leaving soon, as there was a ship at the docks headed to the Santeem Republic soon.   Arwin noticed the Coinguard with Coletta entering the Hero Hunters Facility, and he informed Mortimr. They chose to investigate his manor while he was away.   Mortimr led them to Gim Gorod’s Residence, where two thugs were posing as Queensguard. Mortimr told them he was there to see the Coinguard, and they rudely told him he wasn’t there. They investigated the alley behind the manor, but there was too much activity to safely infiltrate. Returning to the front, Mortimr left a message with the guards before heading back to regroup with the others.  
Session 12 - Connections
The party regrouped at the Oknar Offices with Godsguard Ankhan. As they shared updates on their tasks, Demitri was frustrated that Arwin and Mortimr didn’t learn anything at the Coinguard’s manor.   They met with Oknar Jod and Watchguard Inzun, where they discussed their actions in the sewers and their concerns with the Coinguard. Mortimr gave the samples of the stolen material components to Inzun. Mortimr brought up the Queensguard soldiers outside Gim Gorod’s residence, and the Oknar said the Coinguard did not have such guards officially.   At the Oknar’s direction, Ankhan cast a Zone of Truth spell, and Mortimr resisted the effects. Oknar Jod asked about Mortimr’s connections with the Tarterian Traders. He was concerned that Mortimr could be a part of a Tarterian Traders plot, just as much as Gim Gorod could. When he asked if Mortimr’s words could be trusted, Chaka and Romsca vouched for him.   The Oknar thanked the group and invited them back to the city for the Champion's Conquest celebration later in the month.   After leaving, they made their way towards the Hero Hunters Facility. They saw the Coinguard leaving, who noticed Mortimr and quickly went a different direction.   Inside, Haugon paid the group for their service and asked for their aid finding a lost Hero Hunters group in the west.   After they left, Mortimr quickly stopped to purchase cigarettes before joining the group at the Glistening Hog Tavern to east and rest. While waiting, Mortimr looked for a place to later meet with the Coinguard.  
Session 13 - Growing Ties
In the Glistening Hog Tavern, the party ate a late brunch, rested, and talked. At Demitri's suggestion, they played a drinking game and answered questions about themselves.   Over the course of the conversation, Mortimr revealed information about himself. The fake name Mortimr first used, "Zildri", was that name of someone who lived down the street from his childhood home in Tempe. When asked about his prophecy and who the “adversary unknown to you” was, he truly stated he did not know but he intended to find out. When asked where he learned to cast magic, he took a drink instead of answering.   The party discussed if it was better to go west immediately or go south first, and Mortimr asked what Romsca would do if something more important than the aid caravan presented itself. She said she didn’t know.   After they finished their meal, Demitri shared a spare Earring of Message with Mortimr. Arwin and Mortimr scouted the alleys and buildings near to the Glistening Hog Tavern. Mortimr also purchased a health potion from the Yewberry Apothecary.   Outside the apothecary, the group heard a set of notes echoing around them which sounded very familiar to Chaka and Mortimr.  
Session 14 - Voltha's Walk
In Westfield, Mortimr determined the glass vial that appeared was the exact one Minagak just used to provide Chaka’s sample. Ilmendwyth and Mortimr were not able to source of the eerie music. The party continued across town towards Eastfield. They reached a section of several specialty shops called Voltha’s Walk.   At Cloak and Trident, Orkid Aspara said some of her stock had gone missing. Mortimr took a look in the cellar and could tell a hole had been dug through the wall and later sealed. Mortimr asked about this and listed the items he recovered from the sewers. Mortimr searched for log books behind the counter and set off an alarm. Orkid used magic to move the tiles beneath Mortimr and shift him to the other side of the counter.   At First Mountain Jewels, Mortimr recognized Kororsh as the same half-orc he had seen earlier. Mortimr asked if he’d been to Gim Gorod's Residence, and he hadn’t. Mortimr also asked about Cardinal Desires and suggested Kororsh try again with his girlfriend.   When Gertrude showed Kororsh her pink edelweiss gem, Mortimr tried to get a good look at it.   At Pages for Ages, Mortimr asked after Tarterian law books, but Trawlana didn’t have any. Mortimr bought copies of The Cycle of Ages and The History of the Third Age. While completing the purchases, Mortimr tried to remember about the tome he had interacted with in Kievs, but he realized he could not remember anything about it.  
Session 15 - Snakes and Smokescreens
The party regrouped at the Darksteel Foundry and took time to prepare for their evening meeting.   During this time, Mortimr used some clay from Chaka to help Demitri forge fake tusks as part of a disguise. Romsca said she could help Mortimr with the upcoming conversation. The catch was he would need to join her faith. He passed on the idea, saying, “I don’t buy into it.”   In the evening, they returned to the Glistening Hog Tavern. To prepare, Mortimr explained their plan to Bradzakk and rented a room in the tavern. Mortimr left a message for the Coinguard with Bradzakk, and Mortimr and Inzun set up in the room.   In the room, Mortimr poured a glass of wine from a bottle Demitri gave him, and the group waited. After the Coinguard arrived, Romsca informed Mortimr he was disguised as Kororsh.   Mortimr had a tense conversation with the Coinguard. Mortimr used the information the party gathered to convince Gim Gorod he was a representative from Azariel and was sent here to clean up Gorod’s mess. He got Gorod to reveal he was a Tarterian Trader mole and had abused his position in the city.   However, Gorod seemed secure in his position and asked Mortimr if he knew the name of the group he worked for. Mortimr couldn’t answer, and threatened Meena.   In response, Gorod threw a smoke grenade and tried to flee. Mortimr put on his mask and he and Inzun tried to follow, but Gorod’s bodyguard was in the way. In the melee, Mortimr hit Inzun accidentally with a spell.   As the Coinguard’s bodyguard fled, he crafted an illusion of a demon and intimidated the orc into a cowering surrender.   After the fight, when Inzun collected the Coinguard, Mortimr thanked her. She replied by directing him to the key Demitri had recovered.  
Session 16 - Planting Seeds, Parting Gifts
The party regrouped, leaving the tavern to investigate Gim Gorod's Residence.   Inside the manor, they explored. Mortimr used a lighter to see into the dark rooms, and he checked for traps in the office. Mortimr and Romsca tried to crowbar into the locked desk, but were unsuccessful.   As Demitri was attacked by a trapped wardrobe, Mortimr cast a spell at it, but to little effect.   After locating Gim Gorod’s journal, they left out the back and climbed the back fence. Demitri was ready to toss Mortimr over, but he brushed him off.   At the Darksteel Foundry, they discussed the journal’s contents. After, they rested. Mortimr asked to read through the journal himself, looking for direct references to the Tarterian Traders or other named organizations, but found nothing.   In the morning, they decided what to do with the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. Mortimr was concerned with bringing it with the caravan, but they decided to bring it with instead of leaving it behind.   Outside, Chaka and Mortimr approached Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders, speaking with the Auglosilf family. They were considering staying, but Mortimr suggested they not wait to leave the continent. Ronpip gave Mortimr a drawing he made of praying mantises and said goodbye before the family boarded the Provideniye and left town.   Along with the rest of the Lightbringers, Demitri left Porgorag with the aid caravan, headed south.  
Session 17 - Setting Out
On 4 Adroth 5A 352, Mortimr and the others set out from Porgorag southwards on the Orc Highway. On the road the first day, Mortimr read through his The History of the Third Age book looking for clues about residuum and hints of the ring.   As evening came, Captain Ruslan ordered camp, and the caravan pulled off the road. Mortimr smoked and continued to read, finding no hints about residuum or the green ring in his textbook.   During the evening watches, Mortimr joined Chaka and Demitri. As Chaka softly played his yarting, Mortimr asked him if he knew the song Lament of the Mountain, but Chaka did not. He offered to match the tune if Mortimr hummed or sang it, but he declined and dropped it.   Demitri asked them about Kelwin. Mortimr said something was weird with the whole thing, thinking of the green creature he had seen at the end, but didn’t elaborate.   In the morning, Gertrude blessed the caravan in the name of Chedae. Mortimr scoffed at her prayer, and Gertrude came over to the cart he was under, saying he didn’t have to like her faith, but he didn’t need to mock her either. Later, as Romsca and Gertrude talked about their roles as clerics, Mortimr joined their conversation and said, “Life isn’t about shit.” Gertrude berated him for his pessimism, saying, “Not all of us want to live in misery, Mortimr.” Her brash optimism reminded Mortimr of his younger brother, Borli.   During breakfast, Mortimr offered to give one of his cigarettes to the hyperactive Leena, but Romsca intervened.   The next day on 5 Adroth 5A 352, they continued on. After midday, traveling in the opposite direction, there was a dwarf driving a carriage that seemed off to the group. Mortimr cast Detect Thoughts on the dwarf. Mortimr quickly could tell he was incredibly nervous and ready to lie and declare he was not a merchant. He also heard the dwarf’s fears that they might be rebels, as the dwarf seemed concerned of an attack on the highway.  
Session 18 - Cards and Conversations
In the evening of 5 Adroth, Mortimr carefully watched Mardun, the twitchy card dealer playing with Arwin and Ilmendwyth. Though he saw no cheating, he was curious about the man’s sketchy behavior.   Mortimr cast a Detect Thoughts spell. He would have been noticed doing so, but as he cast, a voice in his head asked, “My love, is this important to you?” Mortimr said it could be, and the voice assisted him. Shadows cloaked him and seemingly none saw Mortimr cast his spell.   He approached Mardun and read his thoughts. He was paranoid about the other caravan guards and uneasy after the card game. Mortimr was puzzled why someone would send an assassin all the way from Santeem as Mardun feared. Reading his thoughts, Mortimr learned Mardun owed a lot of gold to Zarqaa Masoud, a powerful figure in the Santeem Republic.   Later, during the questions drinking game, Leena asked Mortimr why his magic was so weird. Mortimr said he didn’t know where his magic came from.   During the evening watches, Mortimr suggested Chaka could use the argument between Arwin and Romsca as a source of inspiration.   Mortimr asked Gertrude about faith and if Chedae had answered any of her prayers. Gertrude said no, but she felt faith was worth it for her. Mortimr said he just wanted to understand faith. He also said Gertrude reminded him of his brother, Borli. After their talk, Mortimr felt a sense of comfort, though he wasn’t sure if it was from Gertrude’s words or something else.  
Session 19 - The Roadside Cairn
While traveling on 6 Adroth, Mortimr continued reading through The Cycle of Ages. While he found nothing about the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring, he read references to something called the "footprint of the divine". Mortimr felt the ring was either too new or too unknown to learn about without more detailed or specific research.   During the evening watches, Mortimr and Gertrude talked with Romsca about her responsibilities to her guild and her clan.   The next evening, on 7 Adroth, Mortimr asked Demtiri to step aside to talk. Mortimr brought up his powers, saying he really didn’t know where they came from. He mentioned there was something “not right” about it, and he didn’t want to disappoint the expectations of his late brother. He asked Demitri to kill him if things got out of hand. Demitri said he wasn’t sure if he could, depending on what happened in the moment with Mortimr’s abilities.   Demitri asked where these powers came from. Mortimr remembered going into the Kievs Morounin Archive searching for a way to get revenge for his brother. He found an old elven-looking tome covered in dust and cobwebs in a rare books section. He went for it, and the next he knew he awoke in the alley the next morning.   Mortimr said there was a presence along with his abilities that felt soothing or comforting. He felt it was sending him towards things he wouldn’t normally do. Demitri asked if it was bargaining or demanding in nature, but Mortimr said it was coercive, and somewhat addictive. Mortimr said, “If it seems like I’m a danger to the group, don’t try to save me. Just end it.” Demitri said he would do what he could if the need arose.  
Session 20 - Drawn to Fire
During the overnight watch, the party captured a half-orc bandit named Drok. When Drok saw Mortimr, he recognized him and became immediately fearful, pleading, “Please, I’m sorry, just don’t shoot the pink lightning at me!”   Mortimr explained he and Chaka had encountered Drok before when they were accosted by bandits in Axe-Breaker Thicket. At the time, Chaka and Mortimr had warned him away from returning to a life of crime.   When ghosts attacked the caravan, Mortimr joined Captain Ruslan and Chaka to aid the far side of the caravan’s camp. As one of the ghosts fled from Romsca’s divine channeling, it rushed through a wagon towards Mortimr. He was able to duck out of the way as it rushed away into the darkness.  
Session 21 - Axe-Breaker Blessings
When Romsca asked Drok if he would flee if untied, he said he couldn’t outrun Arwin and Ilmendwyth’s arrows, and he showed fear of Mortimr’s magic.   When the caravan passed by a Dire Pangolin, Mortimr was in charge of the center of the three wagons.  
Session 22 - Raised Voices
In the morning of 9 Adroth, Mortimr saw Chaka provide art supplies to Drok. After he made a sketch, Mortimr said, “Did you enjoy doing that? This is the only semblance of worth that you’ve shown.” Mortimr laid out the options for Drok and asked which path he wanted.   Mortimr joined some others to speak with Lieutenant Vramas. He provided Drok’s conscription notice and said he’d be a liability in the army. They convinced him to take Drok northwards, and Mortimr told Drok to not waste his third chance.   During the travel, Demitri spoke with Mortimr about his past with Adamski Sokolov and the message from Asmik Makara. Mortimr thanked him and offered his aid, if needed. Demitri asked him, if it came to it, to choose the group over Demitri.   Mortimr reread the Cycle of Ages looking for references to items or artifacts that interact with divine or elemental energies, but found nothing definitive.   On 10 Adroth, they discussed the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. Mortimr was concerned with delivering the caravan right to the Tarterian Traders and was unsure who might be working with them.   The voice that spoke to Mortimr told him it could reveal the ring’s nature. It could examine it, but Mortimr would need to hold the ring. Mortimr told this to Demitri, and the group prepared in case he was compelled to forcefully take it. Chaka asked what was going on with him, and Mortimr replied if they got through this, he’d let Chaka know.   Romulus used magic to form a hole and Mortimr climbed in. Romsca used a Hold Person spell on him, and while Demitri attempted to attune to the ring, the voice said Mortimr could trust it. He spent the time pacing and chain-smoking in the hole.   In the ensuing argument, Mortimr heard the approaching sound of moving earth and felt the ground begin to tremble.  
Session 23 - Acid and Fire
The argument over the green ring was interrupted by tunneling ankhegs that attacked the group. An adult ankheg emerged into the hole Mortimr was in and grappled him. He cast a protective spell on himself but wasn’t strong enough to break free of the hold on him.   Mortimr tried to cast an illusion spell to entice the ankheg to a more alluring target. Several of the group rushed to his aid, and he was dropped from the creature as it was killed. Romulus used Cinis to transport Mortimr out of the fray and cast a healing aura on him.   When Romsca went unconscious, Mortimr aided in her rescue by using a spell to make the alpha ankheg think Romsca was molten hot.  
Session 24 - A Dream of Iron
While the Warden Rangers worked, Mortimr carefully watched Ranger General Labb for any reaction to seeing the Residuum Ring, but couldn’t get a read on him.   He got Demitri’s attention and when he placed the ring back in the lead box, Mortimr thanked him. Demitri told Mortimr that he should inform the group about the voice in his head.   That evening, before sleeping, Mortimr spoke to the voice in his head. He asked who it was, and it replied, “I am the source of the power you asked for to get the revenge you deserve.” He asked how, and the voice said it begins with trust. The voice suggested he tell his allies the truth to gain their trust.  
Session 25 - Rose Glasses, Clay Compass
At the night’s camp, Mortimr asked Gertrude for a drink, starting the questions drinking game. He drank the whole pint immediately and waited for the group to ask questions.   Mortimr said there was someone granting him his magic since the time he visited the Kievs Morounin Archive in search of a means to revenge. He answered the group’s questions about the entity as he could.   They party agreed to let Mortimr examine to ring. Beforehand, Mortimr told Demitri to not forget their agreement. Mortimr felt the entity’s presence with him, and others noticed a pink tint to his glasses and a floral scent in the air.   After a minute, the entity’s examination seemed to finish. It relayed that the ring was dangerous and the genasi should not have it. Mortimr asked questions about the ring and the genasi, and the entity answered cryptically. Mortimr felt the connection recede. He pushed forward to maintain it, feeling an overlapping of their essences. As he did, those nearby saw ephemeral flower petals in the air around Mortimr.   After the investigation, Mortimr returned the ring to Demitri. Mortimr shared the details of his conversation with the rest of the group. During the discussion, Mortimr asked if Gertrude could try asking Chedae.   During the next day’s travel, the group discussed what to do with the ring before reaching New Keeleon. Mortimr asked Chaka about inns in town they could hide out in.   Before encountering the guards stationed outside the city gates, Mortimr said to meet up at the Far Bar Inn. He cast an invisibility spell on himself and slipped away towards the city with Romulus.  
Session 26 - Names, New and Old
Mortimr and Romulus snuck to a room at the Far Bar Inn. While Romulus scouted the city with Cinis, he verbally relayed what he saw to Mortimr. While the rest of the party traveled with the caravan, Ilmendwyth used the Earring of Message to check in with Mortimr.   After the group turned in the aid caravan, everyone regrouped at the inn. Arwin brought Mortimr up to speed about the events at Breakwater Keep, and Ilmendwyth gave him his caravan payment.   Mortimr recognized Sir Talmid as the escort captain his brother was working under when he was killed. He said, “I’m gonna warn you all, I can’t take the high road like we did with Gim Gorod on this one. I’m not leaving this city until that fucker’s head is gone.”   Arwin asked how he planned to kill someone so easily in a large city. Gertrude said she wasn’t a murderer and Mortimr said he wasn’t asking her to deal the killing blow.   Chaka informed Mortimr he was on missing posters in the city. Mortimr said he figured this might happen, asked the group to call him by “Wilgrim” for the time being, and he planned to get a disguise.   When Romsca was unsure if she was useful to the group, Mortimr asked if she was aware of the stakes. He knew she cared about her clan and the Darksteel Foundry, and said those could be under threat from the genasi’s plan.   Mortimr asked Chaka to paint a yellow topaz gemstone cut like a sprocket with eight points. Mortimr cut his thumb and placed a bloody thumbprint on one of the corners of the topaz, initiating a Gnomish Gem Binding ritual. One by one, each of the group followed suit. Then Mortimr recited a lengthy gnomish phrase and burned the parchment with magic.   The group went to Victory Market to purchase supplies, while Mortimr hid in Romsca’s backpack. Mortimr purchased a Hat of Disguise, cigarettes, and new clothes.   That evening, Demitri met his mother at the Equus Orphanage, and the group was invited inside. While inside, Mortimr cracked a window to smoke while they had a lengthy discussion.   After they finished speaking with Zofi at the orphanage, they headed back to the Far Bar Inn. On the way back, Mortimr told Demitri, “When Talmid burns in hell, I’ll see that Sokolov does, too.” At the mention of killing Maalik, the entity in Mortimr’s head seemed exceedingly pleased with that thought.  
Session 27 - River and Sky
Back at the Far Bar Inn, Mortimr helped rent additional rooms for the group. Mortimr asked Chaka to paint his mask on the bottom of the old Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring box before they disposed of it. Mortimr tested the new box by casting an illusion spell.   Mortimr helped Demitri as they learned rumors from the merchants at the bar. However, the merchants seemed uneasy around Mortimr’s Tarterian Traders lapel pin.   In the rented rooms, they discussed their plan. When Romsca suggested going on the offensive, Mortimr asked if she wanted to set fire to the guildhall. He said he’d be willing to do so and finding Talmid was his priority.   In the morning of 13 Adroth, they met Captain Ruslan. Mortimr asked him to watch for relevant rumors, but he didn’t recognize Mortimr at first because of his disguise.   Arwin, Chaka, Romulus, and Mortimr entered the Catlinites. In disguise, Mortimr kept watch on the many merchants, guildhall staff, and caravanners in the area.   Inside, Mortimr disguised himself and told the attendant he had an important document to give to Talmid directly. He asked where Talmid or his office was, but he learned Talmid was not currently in the building.  
Session 28 - An Interrupted Meal
They regrouped at the Far Bar Inn and shared what they’d learned. Arwin said that Mortimr may be interested in joining him to meet with Sir Talmid, and Gertrude asked if he'd be able to handle his emotions. Mortimr took a long and deep drag of his cigarette.   The group met Captain Ruslan for a Santeemite-themed lunch downstairs. Mortimr disguised himself for the meal.   When city guards came to arrest Ruslan, Ruslan said in Santeemite to Demitri and Mortimr, “I bet you anything this is about the manifest and that black box of yours.” Romulus and Mortimr stayed behind to watch the residuum ring while the rest followed towards Breakwater Keep.  
Session 29 - A Lord’s Investigation
At the Far Bar Inn, Chaka reached the room where Romulus and Mortimr were waiting. Chaka checked that they were alright. Chaka said Lortuk knew the group was at the inn and he received a Sending spell from Gertrude saying the inn was not safe. Mortimr urged them to quickly leave. Rapidly, he cast Darkness and Invisibility and told Romulus to grab the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring and leave.   The party regrouped at Victory Market. Finding the hidden door, they entered, with Mortimr still invisible. They spoke with Lortuk and Ranger General Labb. They discussed Lortuk’s investigation into Red Lake and the Prophets of Regression.   Mortimr put on his mask and as he appeared cast Phantasmal Force on Lortuk. Lortuk resisted the effect and seemed unsurprised by Mortimr’s appearance. He called him “curious” and complimented his mask. Mortimr insulted his face.   Mortimr didn’t trust Lortuk and didn’t want to share information. Demitri said he reservations, but Lortuk had information and the goal of stopping the Traders. Mortimr relented, saying Lortuk would find out everything anyway.   Mortimr was looking for a man with a hand tattoo and asked if the green genasi had one. Lortuk said that all four of the genasi had hand tattoos. Mortimr confirmed that Talmid was directly linked to the genasi his brother had seen.   Lortuk said Watchguard Stuzrog was too direct, and if informed, he’d approach the guildhall. Mortimr asked what he’d feel if Stuzrog already knew everything. He replied it would complicate things.   After the conversation, the group left back into the alleys of Victory Market.  
Session 30 - On the Riverbank
The party regrouped in the alleys and shared what they’d learned. When Ruslan asked how the meeting went, Mortimr called Lortuk a bureaucrat.   Before leaving the Victory Market, the group spoke to merchants around the area about the missing coinguard. Mortimr bought more cigarettes. Chaka caught him rustling in his pack, searching for paper. Chaka said the fanny pack was closed to him. In the late evening, they returned to Far Bar Inn, ate, and rested. Arwin and Mortimr took first watch.   In the morning of 14 Adroth, they took the main roadway into the Embankment district. At the Augurs, they saw Nedurr, the Mud Mage. They approached and questioned him. At Nedurr’s raised voice, they were ambushed by a pack of mudmutts. Mortimr and Gertrude were grabbed and pulled into the river and Mortimr was knocked out.   In the water, Gertude transferred a potion to Mortimr with a kiss. Gertrude gave him a harsh look, as if to say, “You saw nothing!” Gertrude was then knocked unconscious in the water. Mortimr moved to Gertrude and used his own potion to kiss and transfer to Gertrude.   Romsca dragged them to shore. Hearing Chaka’s call for help, Mortimr ran to Ruslan. He put his hand on Ruslan’s chest. He called to the entity in his mind, “Can you help?” It asked if Ruslan was important to him, and Mortimr said yes. Through him, the entity cast a healing spell. Arwin’s residuum arrow was consumed in a pulse of rose-scented, pink energy, and Ruslan revived.   Nearby, Argilla called to the group, “Quickly! Away from the water, this way, this way!” Gathering the wounded, the group rushed northwards towards the Watermill Gallery.  
Session 31 - These Old Artists
Ruslan checked that Gertrude and Mortimr were alright. Mortimr replied that Ruslan looked terrible. Gertrude and Mortimr both appeared distant and were avoiding each other. Mortimr complained his cigarettes were all soaked.   As Nedurr spoke in beastcommon, Mortimr said, “I don’t know what he’s saying, but it sounds whiney, so tell him to shut up.” Romulus was heated and turned to glare at Mortimr.   Argilla formally introduced himself and invited them to his home to meet his patron, Al'phonas Muchaelas. They spoke at length about many topics.   Mortimr asked Romsca for healing. Demitri suggested he just drink his potion, and Mortimr coughed.   Mortimr and Romsca were hesitant to talk openly about the residuum ring. After Al’phonas excused himself, Argilla examined it and wondered about its creation. Mortimr impatiently said, “That’s great. People are dying over this thing. Call you tell us anything about it?” Chaka reacted with shock, though Romulus seemed to agree.   Mortimr mentioned the timeline of things seemingly matching up with eight months ago, from the genasi, to Red Lake, and Chedae’s light. Mortimr wondered if the Prophets wanted to use the ring to eradicate the Dragons. Argilla didn’t believe the ring was powerful enough. Mortimr said they needed to destroy it. Argilla said the knowledge of how to destroy magical items was not known in the Fifth Age, but might have been long ago.   Mortimr asked where to purchase the Manual of Monsters in the city. Argilla offered them his own copies to use.   Al’phonas presented a plan to create a decoy painting to learn where his real painting may be and if the Tarterian Traders were involved. They agreed, and the party prepared to help Chaka as best they could.  
Session 32 - To Paint a Phoenix
On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Captain Ruslan began to thank Mortimr again for saving him, but Mortimr interrupted him. Ruslan asked about the flower scents and the pink wheat he had seen. Mortimr replied to not think about it and gave him a cigarette.   Ruslan offered to help tailing Talmid. They set out into the city but couldn’t locate him. They learned the Commandment of Sky Guildhall appeared to be shut down.   To help Chaka, Mortimr asked Ruslan to run out and purchase coffee, and he returned with imported Endorian coffee.   On 15 Adroth 5A 352, Mortimr and Demitri searched through Argilla’s copies of the Manual of Monsters volumes. They looked for information on the Elemental Planes, genasi, and residuum. However, Mortimr’s mind was distracted by thoughts of his brother as the muffling of his feelings was momentarily lessened.   To help Chaka, Mortimr gave frustrating tidbits of advice to Chaka. Mortimr then said he should use that feeling of rising anger to fuel his creativity and paint with emotion.   At the end of the day, Mortimr asked Chaka to Argilla’s balcony. Mortimr said the success of their plan was important to him, and he wanted the painting to be as good as Chaka could make it. Mortimr handed Chaka a worn strip of leather, which used to be his brothers. They both sat in silence in the pouring rain, looking out over New Keeleon.  
Session 33 - History and Heroes
Ruslan was considering joining them. He said their endeavors seemed more important now than returning to Santeem. Mortimr said sticking with them would be a good way to earn a wanted poster.   Mortimr approached Gertrude, saying, “Oathenhammer, are we good?” She replied he didn’t know what he was talking about, and the conversation ended.   They discussed the plan for the opening. Mortimr said he could find his own way in, if needed. As weapons weren’t allowed in, Romsca said Mortimr didn’t use weapons or armor. Romsca didn’t believe she was well suited to this mission. As she explained why, Mortimr replied, “Find a way to be useful, goddammit. Quit your bitching.” Gertrude told him to simmer down.   Argilla asked if Nedurr was to stay in the house. Chaka said this was a “later problem” and Mortimr said they had urgent business to attend to.   Al’phonas made arrangements with Leka Fabrics. There, Mortimr disguised himself as a noble gnome, and he acted haughty and aloof. He took notes about the styles of clothing to prepare for future disguises.   After he finished the Great Phoenix painting, Chaka returned the borrowed leather piece to Mortimr. He was impressed with the art.   At the gallery opening, Mortimr entered with Al’phonas. In disguise, Mortimr went to Chaka’s submitted art. He shoved by patrons discussing it, saying, “This is the only piece in this entire gallery worth anything. This drab of true heroes makes me nauseous.” Mortimr loudly proclaimed a bid for three-thousand gold pieces, which drew a large crowd.  
Session 34 - Watermill Melee
Shur activated a smoke grenade in the gallery, and Mortimr saw revealed cultists start pulling weapons and open the door to the storage room. Mortimr donned his demonic mask and launched a fireball into the room.   He ducked back into the smoke and grabbed Chaka’s “Work #53: Pa Gathering Firewood”. On his way to the front, he killed another cultist with a blast of pink-colored magic.   Mortimr exited the building and launched magic at the fleeing fanatics. The guard captain demanded to know who they and the attackers were. In reply, Mortimr said, “Do your job and help the citizens, damn it.”   Mortimr rejoined with some of the group outside the gallery. He gave Chaka’s painting to Ruslan to carry.   Mortimr launched a Fireball and immolated another fleeing fanatic. To the guard captain, he said, “You want to know who I am? I’m the answer to the corruption spreading through this godforsaken Tarteria. Stay on the right side of the line, son.”  
Session 35 - On the Scent
Ruslan handed out gear to Chaka, Mortimr, Gertrude and Demitri, and they reequipped themselves. Mortimr approached the guard captain in disguise. He said he was a Santeem officer and asked how he could help. His deception failed, and the captain directed him to back away from the active crime scene.   The party regrouped at the gate to the Catlinites and headed to a warehouse near the Commandment of Sky Guildhall. Several hidden cultists were posted around. Arwin, Ilmendwyth, Demitri, and Mortimr took aim with ranged weapons, timed their shots, and killed the sentries with a volley.   They found a hidden passage with an elemental sigil. Mortimr cast a Firebolt spell and it opened, revealing a tunnel to the main guildhall.   Arwin found a hidden metal door bearing another elemental plane sigil. The party attempted to cross, but cultists noticed Mortimr. Quickly, Mortimr stepped towards them and called “I’m gonna come for you!” as he cast Invisibility and turned a different direction. Knowing the cultists were now searching for them, Mortimr swiftly opened the sigil door.   Beneath the guildhall, the group found the Chamber of Titles. They overheard conversation between Talmid and Shur, but they triggered a trap. As Demtiri and Romsca moved towards orbs set in the walls, two large elementals apparated in front of them and attacked.  
Session 36 - The Chamber of Titles
When Talmid appeared, Mortimr said to Arwin, “Leave Talmid to me; He owes me a debt.” He cast Phantasmal Force, but Talmid shook off the effect.   Mortimr called out, “Hey you lecherous fuck!” He ran up to Talmid and said in his mind, “Give me everything you got.” Mortimr cast Inflict Wounds on Talmid, but missed.   Talmid noticed something about Mortimr, and Demitri smelled roses. Talmid called the fire elemental. It crossed Gerturde, Romsca, Mortimr, and Demtiri, setting them on fire. Talmid said, “Fucking gnomes! I’ve always hated gnomes.”   He slashed Mortimr repeatedly and sent him to the ground in flames. He stabbed down into Mortimr’s body, putting him next to death. He said, “Stop or he dies!”   Arwin ran forward and administered a healing potion. Mortimr briefly saw clear skies and a field of pink wheat before the potion pulled him back. Arwin pulled him close and said encouragingly, “You have a fucking debt to repay, mate.”   Talmid looked at Mortimr with recognition. He said, “Those damn eyes… You’re the brother he wouldn’t shut up about!”   Mortimr said to both Talmid and the entity, “The debt is due.” He lashed Talmid with pink magic. Chaka cast a spell and subdued Talmid as Mortimr stood slowly in the flames.   Mortimr drew his crossbow and aimed at Talmid’s knee. Romsca intervened and asked what he was doing. Mortimr replied, “He needs to be in pain when I talk to him.”   They argued about Mortimr’s implied methods. Mortimr said he’d waited too long to confront Talmid. Romsca said she understood, but this was the wrong time and place. Mortimr aggressively snapped back, and they loudly argued.   Arwin tried to take the bolt from Mortimr’s crossbow. With a sheen of pink energy, he turned and his body followed a half-step behind. Those nearby noticed the pink sheen and scent of roses. As Mortimr spoke, it was as if another force was present within him.   Mortimr pointed at Talmid, and a voice that wasn’t quite his said, “The only one in danger is him.” As the party tried to convince Mortimr to hold off, he took off the platinum ring Romsca had made and tossed it to the ground.   Romsca shoved Mortimr to the side and moved Talmid towards the cages. Mortimr’s arm shot up strangely and fired a crossbow bolt wide of Romsca. That same extra voice said, “That was a warning shot. Give me my prize.”   Arwin shot Mortimr twice and the arrows struck him, though he didn’t react to the wounds. Romsca continued walking and locked Talmid into one of the cages, Mortimr felt enhanced feelings of desire and revenge and followed behind.   Demitri said he needed to know if Mortimr was in control. The group could tell Mortimr fully intended to kill Talmid, but only after he got the information they needed. Mortimr said, “I need to talk to him. I need to. He’s the only one that needs to burn.” He dropped his crossbow.  
Session 37 - Petals, Paintings, Pasts
The entity in Mortimr’s head blocked the feelings of pain and enhanced a sense of anticipation for imminent revenge.   Mortimr noted the rest of the party, cast a Friends spell, and said, “If you toe the line, maybe you’ll keep breathing.”   Gertrude gave him a potion. While he continued to talk, he slowly pulled out Arwin’s arrows before taking the potion.   He asked Talmid how and why he killed his brother, Borli. Mortimr said Talmid owed him a debt, and how he collected it was up to him. Mortimr wanted to know how and where his orders came from, and how to find Azariel.   Talmid dodged Mortimr’s questions and snidely replied to his comments. He said, “If all you’ve got to offer me is death, I can wait right here and bleed out.”   Mortimr said, “Oh, I wasn’t offering you death.” There was a flare of pink with his words. Talmid saw it and showed his first sign of fear. Mortimr asked what Talmid was afraid of if he wasn’t afraid to die. Gertrude said Beburos’s name and Talmid jumped. Mortimr asked, “What do you think they’re going to do to you that I’m not?”   Arwin handed Mortimr a carving tool and said, “This technique worked wonders on gnolls.” Talmid asked Mortimr if he was going to keep just talking or come into the cage with him. Arwin suggested he let the entity take control.   Mortimr cast Phantasmal Force. Talmid saw pink energy behind Mortimr and saw a ghostly Borli enter the cage. In his head, Mortimr said, “Speak through him. Make him fear.”   Ethereal pink rose petals manifested around Mortimr. Through the ghastly image of Borli, the entity clawed at Talmid’s form and mind as Mortimr was shunted from himself. From Talmid’s mind, he learned the genasi were running the Tarterian Traders from behind the scenes.   Talmid was brutally killed. Mortimr felt fulfilled to an enhanced degree, but while his desire for revenge was focused on Azariel, the entity was focused on Maalik. The entity said, “There, my love. Revenge for your brother has begun, just as we promised each other. We’re not done yet. There are more who are responsible for our pain.” The entity, satisfied, left Mortimr.   While most of the group left the scene to investigate the other rooms, Mortimr watched for a while, enjoying the feeling. Eventually, he left as well. Outside, he quietly picked up the platinum ring he’d thrown.   The sigil in the research room activated. Mortimr sensed the entity wanted him to go into the room after hearing the voices. They had a tense conversation with Maalik and Azariel. Mortimr recognized Azariel was in the Dispensary in Kievs. When Maalik looked at Mortimr, there was a flash of pink energy, which made Maalik step back.   The group was tired and it was past midnight, but they chose to stay and continue looking through the rooms. After, the group settled down in the rooms to rest, thinking over the events of the day and the genasi they were involved with.  
Session 38 - The Prophets of Regression
Over the next days, they dug into the research, journals, and materials they found. Mortimr identified the smoke grenade as gnomish in design as Arwin worked on it.   They discovered information about the Prophets of Regression and the genasi’s actions. At the end of studying all this information, they theorized what this all meant. They wondered about Maalik’s Patron and if this was related in any way to Mortimr and his Entity.   In the late afternoon of 18 Adroth, Rulla sent Lord Lortuk to gather the Lightbringers. On the way, Chaka split Al’phonas’s gold with the party.   The group discussed what next move would be best and chose Red Lake as priority, then they would cycle back to the ankheg nest.   At the Breakwater Keep they were brought before Nalt Oknar Rulla. As reward for their actions, the Lightbringers were given the Rill Priory and invited as guests of honor to the Champion’s Conquest festivities.


Borli Gwathagoldrin

Borli is Mortimr's younger brother. The two grew up together in Tempe. They would eventually move to Kievs in Tarteria when Mortimr took a job with the Tarterian Traders.   The two appeared to be close, and Mortimr had fond memories of Tempe with his brother that were revealed in his dream. Borli's death greatly affected Mortimr, enough so that he began having nightmares. Mortimr is determined to find out the circumstances surrounding his brother's death and bring justice to his murderer.

Character Information

Notable Items

  • Aid Caravan Parchment: Flyer for the 5A 352 Santeem Republic aid caravan with "Toe the Line" written on the back in blood.
  • Apartment: Mortimr has an apartment in the Prominade District of Kievs.
  • Ronpip's Drawing: A drawing of mantises fighting given as a parting gift.
  • Platinum Ring: a ring given by Romsca, with quartz chips in the design of his magic.


  • "I'm the bad wizard." -2.0.2, said to Chaka before engaging the roadway bandits at Axe-Breaker Thicket.
  • "The Tarterian Traders need to be burnt to the fucking ground." - 2.3
  • "That fucking box leaves bodies behind it." - 2.7
  • "I'm who they send when things get bungled." - 2.15
  • "If it seems like I’m a danger to the group, don’t try to save me. Just end it." - 2.19
  • "You wanted a suicide pact, you came to the right guy." - 2.22
  • "So you wanna help burn it down, or you wanna go and hide?" - 2.26
  • "I need to talk to him. I need to. He’s the only one that needs to burn." - 2.36
  • "If you toe the line, maybe you'll keep breathing." - 2.37
2022 Character Art by J Pleshe
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Current Location
Date of Birth
5A 307
Aligned Organization
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2022 Character Art by J Pleshe

2024 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by G.F.