Ranger's Reflection Day

Ranger's Reflection Day is a winter holiday in Azimuth. It is observed yearly on 24 Felim. It is nearly exclusively observed in Branca, the Kingdom of the South, by the Brancana Rangers. It is known to that organization as a time of reconciling past wrongs and a recommitment to duty.


Around 10 Felim 4A 995, Psaro the Manslayer and his armies landed on the coast of the Wild Lands and invaded Branca, the Kingdom of the South, from the east. The forces defending Branca were defeated decisively, and the invasion culminated in the attack on Hometown on 24 Felim 4A 995.   After the end of the Manslayer War, King Alphonse Brancana and Aoth Stormwind founded the Brancana Rangers to watch the eastern passes into Branca and prevent such losses in the future.   Where most of Azimuth celebrates 24 Felim as the Heroes Banquet, the Brancana Rangers recognize this date as a glaring failure of their predecessors. This observance for the Rangers is instead a time of reflection and understanding both the mistakes of the past and the threats in the future. It is a time where the Rangers recommit themselves to their stalwart defense of Branca.
Date of Holiday
24 Felim