
In the late Fourth Age, Rosaville was a small hamlet in the northern reaches of Cascada, near to the the Forest of Plenty and the Pink Fields.   It was created by Psaro the Manslayer as a place to protect his love, Rose. By 4A 995, the only residents remaining at Rosaville were animals granted the ability of speech through Psaro's incomplete version of the Power of Evolution.


In the late Fourth Age, the hamlet consisted mostly of single-story buildings which served as shelters for the many animal residents. Many of the buildings did not utilize doors and were open to allow easy entrance and exit between them.

Rose's Tower

At the north end of the settlement was a large rotary tower with a picket fence surrounding it. The interior appeared to once be a religious shrine of some kind, however the symbols and iconography had been torn down and desecrated.   The base level had an alarm spell on a glyph which activated when the Zenethian Heroes entered the building.   There was a hidden staircase which led to living quarters above. The tower was Rose's home. There were various ammenities and furniture items. The group did find a few ruby gemstones in the shape of teardrops among the dust and debris on the floor.



In the late Fourth Age, the only residents of the hamlet were various talking animals. These creatures had been granted the ability to speak through an incomplete version of the Power of Evolution used by Psaro the Manslayer. According to a dog, this was so Rose would have "friends" to accompany her while she stayed secluded here.  

Notable People

  • Rose: The hamlet was created by Psaro to protect Rose, his love. However, it is said she was taken from the tower and killed by bandits in the nearby Pink Fields.


The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
At some point during the late Fourth Age, Psaro the Manslayer fell in love with Rose. For her protection, he built Rosaville and used the Power of Evolution to enchant the trees and animals.   Rose was killed for her tears by three bandits: a human, a dwarf, and an elf. The alarm spell Psaro had set alerted him to the intrusion but he arrived too late to save Rose. Psaro brutally slaughtered the bandits and took the name "The Manslayer".   In 4A 995, the Zenethian Heroes came to Rosaville and triggered an alarm spell in Rose's tower, causing Psaro's navy to sail southwards and descend on Konenbur.
Cascada   Continent
Gimora Minor   Plane
Material Plane