
The Testudo is a Tortle fishing vessel operating out of Chelonia in the Seaward Isles.


The Testudo is a fishing vessel. It is about 50 feet in length. There is a single mast with a white sail. At the top of the mast is a flag bearing a light gray curled wave. On the aft of the ship the name "Testudo" is carved into the wood.

Notable People

  • Reefus: Tortle, Former captain, deceased
  • Damu: Tortle, Captain
  • Terwin: Tortle, Crew


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 29 Madaet 5A 352, the Testudo was fishing at Rune Pike where it was attacked by a flock of harpies. The Provideniye rounded Rune Pike and moved to assist. The Testudo's captain, Reefus, was thrown from the deck and killed by reef sharks. After the battle, Damu took command of the ship. The ship was unable to run with only two crewmembers, so the Provideniye provided Vincent who joined her crew. Afterwards, the Testudo sailed back towards Chelonia.
Ship Type
Fishing Vessel