Rune Pike

Rune Pike, or Rhûn Ravan in elvish, is a large island in the Leviathan Sea. It is a known landmark on the route between Port Surene and Porgorag, and is also a resource gathering site for the Tortles of nearby Chelonia.


Rune Pike is a large, craggy island covered in dense green plant growth. It rises out of the sea taller than most sailing vessels. The ocean water visibly lightens around it due to the presence of shallow sandbars and reefs surrounding the island.   There is a flock of harpies that prey on vessels that approach the island, and reef sharks that patrol the shallow reefs and sandbars.


The elven sailors that navigated the Leviathan Sea in the Second and Third Ages called this place Rhûn Ravan, "East Point" in elvish, as it is the easternmost part of the Seaward Isles. This name would eventually become "Rune Pike" in common.  
Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 29 Madaet 5A 352, the Provideniye sailed around Rune Pike and came upon the Testudo under attack by harpies. The Provideniye moved to engage and the crews of the two ships fended off the attack before continuing on.
Related Reports (Secondary)
Leviathan Sea   Plane
Material Plane