The Four Great Beasts Shanty

The Four Great Beasts is a sea shanty sung by the crew of the Provideniye during the 5A 352 voyage from Port Surene to Porgorag. The lyrics speak about the Four Great Beasts and their supposed origins from long ago.


The gods came to this place and claimed it their own
And they fought for the souls of their gifts evermore

When the gods made the people, all Azimuth born,
Enemies to be culled, the elementals had sworn

So the gods made protectors, four powerful beasts
And unleashed them to Azimuth, on elements (to) feast

They made them with thunder, and fire, and swell
The oceans rose up, and the mountains fell

They took back the earth and they drowned out the sky
Many souls had been lost, but now not all would die

The war had been won, now the gods are deceased,
Severed on our dear Azimuth, the four now still feast

The four were left behind
The four were left behind
Manuscript, Musical
Oral Tradition / Word of Mouth