Typhoon's Wake

Typhoon's Wake is a summer holiday in Azimuth. It is celebrated yearly on 24 Avedar. It is almost exclusively celebrated by followers of Sehakora, The Maelstrom, mostly in Konenbur, the Theocracy of the Sea. It is known as a celebration by those faithful to the Goddess of Seas and as a warning to those who would spurn her favor to brave the seas alone.


In the Fourth Age, tensions between the Kingdom of Konenbur and Soretta, the Undying Aristocracy, had risen greatly in the Seafoam Sea and the channel south of the Trident Coast.   It was in this tension that the events of the first Typhoon's Wake occured. A great ocean storm racked the seas between Konenbur and Soretta. As a result, many elven vessels were sunk and the presence of their navy in the region was severely diminished. At the same time, many vessels of Konenbur were untouched. Notably, their vessels which bore idols and shrines to Sehakora were spared from destruction.   Konenbur took this opportunity to invade the elven colony of Sinatold. The few elven defenders of the colony were beseiged and the port was occupied. With a diminished fleet and lack of desire for open conflict to cause more losses to the navy, the loss of Sinatold was negotiated, allowing the beseiged elven defenders to leave and the official annexation of Sinatold by Konenbur.   Since that time, the holiday of Typhoon's Wake was celebrated in Konenbur, and it was seen as a prominent sign of the Dragon's favor.
Date of Holiday
24 Avedar