Zenethian Dagger

The Zenethian Dagger is one of the divine Zenethian Items created by Zenthai, The Dragon King, during the reforging of these items in the Fourth Age.


The dagger is described as a sharp-tipped blade designed in waves and wing-like spikes. A gold crystal design inside the crystal blade radiates a strong ligth from within. A natural cut ruby is set in the pommel.   It is said the Zenethian Dagger gave Petra D'Silva, Emissary of Beasts, the ability to travel great distances in flashes of green light.


The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
In 4A 996, the Zenethian Heroes collected all the lost Zenethian Items. As Zenthai prepared to reforge these items, he asked the allies of the Zenethian Children for their weapons as well. From Petra D'Silva, Emissary of Beasts, he asked for her dagger. With Zenthai's blessing, the original relics were reforged and crafted into new and powerful forms.  
Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
It is not known today where the Zenethian Dagger resides.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Creation Date
4A 996
Known Wielders
Petra D'Silva, Emissary of Beasts

Current Location