Grand Admiral Prawn

Karrakas Carrion Prawn came from a small village in the Iron Dominion of Ihira. His family were poor outcasts in a society that had very few tieflings. As a young child, he watched for years as his parents were treated like less than dirt by other citizens of the Iron Dominion. As a society, the Iron Dominion values strength over anything else, so people who were seen as meek or weak were often the targets of discrimination and ridicule, especially those who were in a minority group.  Prawn hated the way others treated his family, but what he hated more was that his parents took the abuse and never stood up for themselves.   Vowing to never be seen as weak, when he finally came of age, he left his family behind and joined the Dominion Navy. At the time, the Navy was a fledgling power amongst the nations of the Highborn, but as the Iron Dominion forged ahead, it became larger and larger, eventually becoming the predominant sea power of Licia and Ilvortia. As the Navy grew so did Prawn's stature. Cunning, ambitious, and ruthless he was the ideal model of what the Iron Dominion looked for in its officers. Through clever manipulations, bold strategies, and the occasional assassination of a rival, within a few years, Prawn rose to the rank of Grand Admiral and was given charge personally by the Ivory Throne, Domina Atia Galla, to govern and grow the Iron Dominion's presence on Ilvortia.    Although many may see this as a prestigious position, it was also a way for the Domina to rid herself of an ambitious fast climbing subordinate who could become popular enough to challenge her position on the throne. Unfortunately for the Domina, this posting was exactly what Prawn wanted. Not only could he build forces and his prestige on Ilvortia, but the continent was also known to have a great many powerful magical artifacts, such that could give him the edge he needs to overthrow the Ivory Throne and crown himself as the now Domina of the Iron Dominion.


Sentinel Artemisia


Towards Grand Admiral Prawn


Grand Admiral Prawn


Towards Sentinel Artemisia


Governess Gillian Salle


Towards Grand Admiral Prawn


Grand Admiral Prawn


Towards Governess Gillian Salle


Chancellor Aleksandr Yanovich


Towards Grand Admiral Prawn


Grand Admiral Prawn


Towards Chancellor Aleksandr Yanovich


Lt. Decimus Avitus Licinius

The Blade

Towards Grand Admiral Prawn


Grand Admiral Prawn


Towards Lt. Decimus Avitus Licinius


  • Faction:

    The Iron Dominion of Ihira
  • Ship:

    The Iron Will
  • Species/Class:

    Tiefling Oathbreaker Paladin
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations