Iron Dominion of Ihira

The Iron Dominion of Ihira is the most prominent presence on the continent of Ilvortia. Although not the first ones to rediscover the continent and the islands of the Distant Ocean and the Mirrored Abyss, in the century since the rediscovery, they have grown to dominate both the sea and lands in the new world. After several decades of war with the other nations of the Highborn back on its native continent of Licia, it has emerged with the military and naval power to assert itself on the new continent having founded the most cities and numerous towns scattered throughout the lands. Their goals are to exploit the resources of Ilvortia and eventually claim the entire continent for themselves. They mildly tolerate the other nations of the Highborn and try to keep a tenuous relationship trying not to spark another war back in their homelands. Their last major war was with the Rustense Empire. The conflict lasted over ten years and only has recently ended. Although they do not want another war with the Rustense, Ihiran ships are known to occasionally fire at them and do all they can to hinder the Rustense from gaining a further foothold on Ilvortia. The Iron Dominion is ruthless when it comes to its desire to control all of Ilvortia. It has killed indigenous peoples of the continent and cracks down on any dissidents trying to thwart their progress. The Bronze Ravens are a group of fighters and sailors who are adamantly opposed to the exploitation and colonization of Ilvortia and the thorn in the Iron Dominion's side. Also the pirates of the Black Rain Confederacy cause havoc on the smaller towns and ports, preying on the smaller merchant ships, and stealing the wealth destined for the homelands for themselves. Due to these annoyances and the growing presence of the other Nations of the Highborn especially the Rustense Empire, the ruler of the Iron Dominion, Domina Atia Galla, the Ivory Throne, has sent Grand Admiral Prawn to Ilvortia to bring the wayward colonies under control. Grand Admiral Prawn alongside the trading company The Companions of the Sea, are the two forces of the Iron Dominion of Ihira operating around Ilvortia.  
  • Friendliness: 1
  • Sea Power: 3
  • Ruler: Domina Atia Galla, The Ivory Throne
  • Capitol: Bredale
  • Primary Ilvortian City: Goxim
Geopolitical, Country
Ruling Organization
Controlled Territories
Organization Vehicles
Flag: Black Wolf on Yellow Field

Non-aggression pact

Non-aggression pact

Very Very Hostile

Open Warfare

Open Warfare

The crew of the Plot Armor has stolen some items belonging to Grand Admiral Prawn and he would like to get them back.