Secundus Claudius Silo


This petite short man is perpetually holding a tea of some kind. He has the majority of his body covered in plate, marred by tears. He wears his black hair down. His gray eyes dart from person to person to random spaces in the air He is filled with cunning. He likes to feign weakness letting people think he is weak. His brief stint in the army gave him the idea he was invincible and that he is the toughest man alive. Sold as a small child to a necromancer, Secundus was an assistant, and all too frequently test subject. He eventually earned his freedom when his former master disappeared. He took every job he could get his hands on, but the opportunities for Humans in the east of the Iron Dominion were limited. He was always very intelligent and has formed a secret society of philosophers.


  The Companions of the Sea




Male Human Barbarian
Current Location
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Killed by The Plot Armor while trying to Betray them
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations