Caso Rovash

Caso Rovash is the most populous Yashelin city on Aravu. It is home to approximately 7,500 Yashelin individuals, an unknown but relatively small number of Fas, and other residents. Caso Rovash is a strongly residential rather than commercial community besides the everyday necessities.   The city is named for its hot springs, around which the community was founded long ago. The hot springs have recently lost their natural healing properties. Instead, healers bless the waters each day. It is also home to the Caso Rovash Medical Center, the headquarters of the Caso Flock, and the Ko Forest. The majority of residents commute each day to Heshi Ariko, Shushani Pithin, or other communities in the surrounding area.   Since the Ida has nearly discontinued transforming Kivrian Spirits into Tikiran Yashelin as the Yashelin population approaches 16,000, the city's population has declined and the average age of the population has grown. Caso Rovash and the surrounding Ko Forest is, in the mind of most Yashelin, the perfect place to raise children.


Early History

The Serayin Rafa is credited with founding the city of Caso Rovash, but this is not quite true. The moment the Aravun Yashelin discovered the blessed, magical healing properties of the hot springs, they came in droves. First as recreation, and then to stay as many decided they preferred the milder, though somewhat uncomfortably warmer, weather of the valley to the mountaintop.   The mass migration of the Yashelin population to Caso Rovash from Heshi Ariko came as a shock to the once highly condensed society. With this shock came the invention of the Chamatoye Public Railway - the very first rail line ever built connected these two cities together. It also spurred on the development of the Vimpad, which had only been met with limited reception beforehand.   The Caso Rovash of the Idin appeared puny compared to the Caso Rovash of the Idin and Tikiran. Most Tikiran grew up in Caso Rovash, rather than Heshi Ariko, because it was deemed a safer area to explore without the threat of falling from great height and with the proximity of the Caso Flock's central hospital.

Recent Past

Caso Rovash was the most severely damaged city during the First War. Although it has been rebuilt in the years since, there remains a lingering anxiety and skittishness in its residents' comportment. This is especially evident in those who were raised in Caso Rovash after the war and have no memory of a culture before it.








Public Services



Caso Rovash Hospital serves everyone, not only the residents of Caso Rovash. It is open 24/7 and its doctors take patients both via walk-in and via appointment.   It is well staffed with some of the most skilled doctors and healers amongst the Aravun Yashelin, including the Serayin Rafa and zir decenirs, Petal and Bee.






Culture and Recreation

Points of Interest

Notable People

Settlement Type
Name Meaning
Blue Springs
Ezekoru (Central)
Citizen Advisory Board (Local)
Founding Date


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