The Daily Doctrine, July 14 5044

Caldaraan Weave is Tested

by Gya Defenderer   
With war brewing across multiple territories still belonging to Judari houses, and the subsequent victories for many major houses, as well as followers of the Judari faith, many states still identifying as Judari have been swept into a nationalistisc fervor in the previous month, with the southern territory of Skania cheif among them. In what was a surprise landslide victory by long-term projections, the newly elected Skanian Head of Ministry, An Leshure, immediately declared war on the neighboring republic of New Skani, with the aim of reuniting the once singular nation. Between successes in Judari campaigns across the globe, and the world-wide paranoia still hanging over the T'waran incident, Skanian recruitment rates have been at an all-time high since the Dusk Wars. Unprepared for the sudden initial strikes, New Skani forces have been pushed back, already ceding nearly half of their territory in the past month.   This declaration will be the first conflict to test the integrity of the Caldaraan Confederation's T'waran Weave, the defensive pact signed last month by a conglomerate of states and non-state entities in response to the incident of the same name. In an interview with Lupa Merideth, one of the Skanian generals, on the subject, she stated, "this pact they threaten us with is formed by nations all afraid for their own skin; they expect that in hard times, someone will come to save them. But what we all saw in Caldaraa showed us that we cannot count on anyone to be strong for us. We must learn to be strong for ourselves." As of yet, there has been no official word from either New Skani officials, or other members of the T'waran weave.

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Vi'Naad Waves Crash Against Vi'Saan

Two separate counter-strike attempts by House Vi'Naad forces in eastern Naadi resulted in the recapture of one of the three lost cities. However, statistical estimates by war analyists indicate that the attacks may have cost Vi'Naad the entirety of three combined arms detachments- nearly one third of their national forces. Records released by Vi'Saan indicate minimal losses in response. War analysts expect peace talks within a month.  

Cholovist Fervor Swells

As the civil war in Tenepos continues to rage, the Olorun-worshipping Northern forces of House Vi'Qada continue to retake ground unabated. Nearly half of the main island, Tenep, has been recovered by Vi'Qada forces, as well as a majority of the outlying islands. Vi'Qada forces have even been reported to be destroying any Vi'Taran sea craft, military or civilian, attempting to leave the islands in a desperate retreat towards liberated Saularia. Saularian representatives have been pressured to intervene, though public support for aid towards families aligned with House Vi'Tara, their former rulers, is mixed at best.  

Jessit Akheem Slowed in Kiwan

After several subsequent months of uncontested success in their conquest of the Kiwan islands, the Jessit Ahkeem finally met their match in Yumbari, forcing a retreat by Jessit forces last Thursday. Though the Kiwanese Defense Force were stretched too thin after their successful defense to launch a counter-attack, this victory has given the KDF the first opportunity to recuperate and reinforce since the militant cultural movement began their attacks last year.


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