Unity in Freedom May 21st, 5044


Celebration Crushed Under Space Colony

By Penny Nevlis
Yesterday morning, many people across the world saw a future full of hope and possibility, as the Core World celebration in T'wara promised integration into Union, and a greater quality of life for citizens all across Holtan. However, at 12:55 p.m. yesterday afternoon, those hopes came crashing down with Kapwa Station, the one and only Caldaraan orbital colony, as the station was forced into atmosphere and collided with the city below. The space station was reportedly knocked out of orbit by unknown forces, causing it to crush its own space elevator and land directly on the city.   "It didn't feel real, at first," said Sarmite Spriggins, a T'waran refugee and father of four, "we were so happy, so excited for the future. I had begun to think our troubles were finally over. It didn't feel like tragedy could reach us. Obviously... I was wrong." Samantha Spriggins, Sarmite's partner, was counted as one of the casualties.   In addition to the Core World celebration, the Imperial Coronation, an event of major religoius significance to the Cholovist faith, was disrupted as part of the attack. "I am... unsure how to even move forward," reported Maysoun Filoteo Dose, leader of the T'waran Temple of Olorun, "an empress would have given the people purpose, but it would seem that we were not destined for such things. [The gods] have given us a sign, and when we refused to listen, they spoke again in the language of blood. I only pray we will heed their words now." Had the ceremony proceeded as planned, Princess Emilena Vi'Saan would have been crowned empress, making her the first soveriegn ruler of the united Judari Imperial Houses since the formal dissolution of the Empire by Union 26 years ago. Hakuna Mótato, the spiritual leader of the Cholovist faith, was not available for comment.   In the aftermath of this tragedy, Caldaraan response teams continue medical and search and rescue operations. However, at this time the death toll currently stands at 859,778 and continues to rise as dead from all parts of the globe continue to be found. As of yet, no organizations or individuals have claimed responsibility for the attack. More on this story as it progresses.

'Grid Iron' University Wows the Globe

The Ju'Ri Mechanized Duelist Academy on the orbital colony Skorrio, televised during the Core World celebration, has earned the academy international renown as it became the most viewed televised event from any orbital colony since the record began in 4889. Competitors from all across the system showed their mettle in a variety of mechanized chassis combat scenarios, from squad combat operations to one-on-one duels. Theodore Wick took home the first place medal, however Nini Kuh, Sancho Davidowicz-Cassase and Evarista Labatt all earned their places as fan favorites as well during the event. Full breakdown under sports.

Jessit Akheem: Militia or Mercenaries?

In a response to the massive recent increase in organized crime across the globe, the armed militia, referred to by some as a terrorist organization, known as the Jessit Ahkeem, have coordinated with police and military forces in costal regions around the Tchakoni Ocean. Priscilla Filary, cheif of the Akosi Defense Force, described their intervention as "highly unconventional, but undeniably effective." Since their intervention, both organized and random crimes in the affected regions have decreased by 12% on average. The leader of the Jessit Akheem, an influential figure only publicly known as Wildcat, was not available for comment.  

Karrakin Infrastructure Projects Continue to Stall

Delegates from the Karrakin House of Coals continue to develop public infrastructure projects in numerous second-world nations including Cartasa, Kiwan, and Vardonia, but concerns of redundancy have begun to stall the program. "We have everything they offer already," said Xiang Ling Loll, acting Vardonian president, "They want to tear down our farms, our water plants, our factories, and then pay them to build new ones. This is the sort of reason we left them in the first place." Members of the House of Coals nobility were not available for comment.

Building Communities with Dr. Morera

Today marks the grand opening of the Red Lily Medical Center in Base Camp, Hakara, the 17th of its kind to open in a major city in the last month. The RLMC, like its sister sites, is a free-for-all clinic, with optional paid packages for specialized or personalized long-term care. Mioa Dishaw, head of Red Lily's biomedical department, described the clinics as "The first of many steps towards a more free and united world," and added that "even in the darkest of times, the Red Lily Corporation is committed to a brighter future, and will not allow the terrible actions of a misguided few halt our march towards utopia." Dr. Lirim Morera, president of Red Lily, was present in T'wara yesterday, and so was not available for comment.


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