Fri, Aug 30th 2024 08:49   Edited on Sun, Sep 8th 2024 07:02

Capitulate your Forces

Greetings, Hakuna Mótato,   I am Colonel Morkava Bracamonte III, High Commander of the League of Hakaran military and of House Vi'Saan. I fought beside your father on many occasions- he was an honorable man, and a canny warrior. I had always known his strength came from his pragmatism, his ability to weigh his situation and accurately assess which course had the greatest chances of survival. Some of my peers dismissed him for this, mistook it for cowardice, but unlike many he survived the Dusk Wars, demonstrating the validity of such qualities.   It is for this reason I attempt to persuade you to show the same pragmatism. Your forces are hodgepodge, directionless. Although you may look the the mass of your numbers as assurance of your victory, without discipline they are to be cut down like so much wheat. Although you may look to your gods for leadership, your people must have a figure they can follow. A human figure. It is for these reasons, not for reasons of cause, tactics or logistics, that your defenders will fail and your walls will crumble. The wise option, the pragmatic option, is only to capitulate now. Many accuse me of being bloodthirsty. Of wishing for war for its own sake. Let this olive branch stand testament to the fact otherwise. My objective is, as it has always been, for the security and prosperity of the Judari people. And so it is today.   I have seen the face of war and survived it for nearly three hundred years. Many have tried to best me. All have failed. Do not make the same mistake.   Rahk'malan,
-Colonlel Karaman Morkava Bracamonte III
Sun, Sep 8th 2024 07:02

Greetings, Colonlel Karaman Morvaka Bracamonte III,   I'm not a general, nor a ruler. I'm a humble servant: the Cho'OLO: Voice of OLORUN. You should address your demands to the heads of state whose familial lands you've invaded.   But thank you for the fond remembrance of my father. I recall his service as well: he brought the navies of the warring houses to surrender then defeated SET, the slayer of GODS. But his survival is less impressive than your own, as only the most pragmatic serving the Vi'Saan Ascendency survived after Harrison's betrayal.   As an elder, I'm sure you remember that only under JUDGEMENT//WORTHY of an NHP can a person lead the Judari Empire.   Rahk'malan, -Cho'OLO Hakuna Mótato   LISTEN:// DIRTY HANDS WASH DIRTY HANDS/// MUSTER NOT THE TRAITOR///