Sun, May 26th 2024 02:12   Edited on Mon, Sep 23rd 2024 08:30

Private communications with Hakuna Motato - Congregation of OLORUN

Chancellor Vician Ordo,   My prayers are with you. I grieve the darkness that's fallen upon your people, in the shadow of a bright and hopeful future. I pray for all those who have suffered and for you, who must be strong, to lead them through this tragedy. I was present in T'wara when it happened. I'm still in shock. And I'm haunted that so many perished while I was sparred.   My congregation is doing everything in their power to provide some relief and to persuade the Northern Judari Empire to do the same. I pray daily to our GOD YEMOJA that they may deliver food and aid to the survivors and refugees: both those of the original calamity and also for those who continue to be effected by tidal and seismic activity.   As the High Executive of the Caldaraan External Action Service, I ask for your permission for our missionaries to enter Caldaraan territory, to act in a charitable capacity. If granted, I would seek to coordinate with the Caldaraan Development Bank, and President Salvidor Martin, to provide our aid to maximal effect.   I know that the people known as Ju'ad'ari have not always had positive relations with the people of Caldaraa, under the temple of MOTHER NEPH, but I am hopeful that we can come together in the wake of disaster, in the spirit of Union. And I have faith that OLORUN will not abandon your people. All on Holtan are IT's children.   May the GODS have mercy, CHO'OLO Hakuna Mótato
Sat, Jun 15th 2024 12:19

CHO'OLO Hakuna Motato,   Thank you for your prayers and offers of support, both. In these times both are more needed than ever.   I agree that coordinating aid to most equitably and effectively provide aid is important to keep everyone who has been and will be effected by this tragedy. That's why I will soon announce the formation of the T'waran Weave, a mutual aid and defense coalition open to all those impacted by this tragedy.   I would like to invite you to join as a special member - recognizing your position as a religious institution and aware that you likely don't wish to be drawn into a defense pact, that status would solely commit you to providing disaster relief.   You would be working alongside President Martin to coordinate aid in this capactiy as well as the Red Lily Corporation.   You are entirely correct that in the wake of disaster we must all come together.   In solidarity, Chancellor Vician Ordo
Fri, Jun 21st 2024 01:57

I'm honored to accept your invitation as a special member of the T'waran Weave. Let this be a good to Holtan and a symbol of cooperation.
Mon, Aug 26th 2024 01:54   Edited on Mon, Aug 26th 2024 07:48

Chancellor Vician Ordo,   I am aware that you've launched an investigation into the T'waran tragedy. I may have some information useful to your investigation.   According to OSHUN, the conspiracy extends far beyond Holtan or the Ju'ad System. My council has concluded that an unknown galactic power is behind the attack. I have reason to believe a terrorist cell, known as the Sons of SET, may be involved. This same cell played a role in the CALAMATY that's come to be known as the Vi'Saan Ascendency.   You have my council and the predictive powers of OSHUN available to you, if we can be of assistance in your investigation.   Best Regards,   CHO'OLO   LISTEN://A FALLING STAR///BESEEDS AN ILL-FITTEN CROWN
Mon, Sep 23rd 2024 08:30   Edited on Mon, Sep 23rd 2024 08:35

i'd like to share something unusual i noticed that day.   I SENSED A PARACAUSAL ENTITY HAD ANTICIPATED OUR ARRIVAL AND ADAPTED A PORTION OF THE CITY'S OMNI-STRUCTURE TO ACCOMMODATE OLORUN'S CASKET FOR THE JUDGEMENT OF EMILENA VI'SAAN   please share any info you can. this isn't over and threatens all persons: human and NON-HUMAN. we're still searching the BLINK for the culprits.