Bluto, the drunk Character in Barovia | World Anvil
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Bluto, the drunk


Bluto had a reputation for two traits; A drunk and an unsuccessful fisherman.   You learned that Bluto was wanted by the Vallaki guards due to drunken disorderly conduct but they were not willing to leave the town for it. You found Bluto north of Vallaki on Lake Zarovich with Arabelle trapped in a sack. Under the impression that the Vistani are lucky, Bluto attempted to offer Arabelle to the lake in order to improve his luck with fishing.   You, Todd and Ireena foiled this plan by capturing Bluto and rescuing Arabelle from the lake.   You turned Bluto into the Vallaki guards who then took him into custody.   He was let out a few days later as the only crime he was charged with disorderly conducted (The people of Vallaki don't care that he attempted to murder a child since she was a Vistana and the Vistani are not welcomed in Vallaki).   When he returned to the Blue Water Inn to drink he began to freak out as all the wine he tried to drink became water in his mouth. You and T.O.D.D. apprehended him until the guards arrested him again.
Current Location
White, balding
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
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