Dr. van Richten Character in Barovia | World Anvil
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Dr. van Richten

Doctor Rudolph van Richten

The legendary monster slayer himself; Rudolf van Richten is well known by almost everyone in the continent of Faerûn, if not all of Toril.   DM's note: Toril is the name of the world that Evie lives on, and the city of Waterdeep (her original destination) is on the continent of Faerûn.   This experienced monster hunter has not only perfected his craft but also written manuals on different types of monsters. These detailed compendiums go into extensive of its topic ranging from, how to track, what its weakness is, what to avoid, how to identify, and many other details one would use when combating monsters. Other than major libraries, it can be challenging to track down a copy of one as most are bought up by thrill-seeking adventures wanting to earn glory. However, merely reading the book does not make one impervious to attacks from such creatures, so many of these books can be found in the deepest dungeons next to the rotten corpse of their previous owner.   Ireena has told you that these stories have made their way to Barovia as well. This could be from the stories told by the Vistani or possibly a lost soul had a book on them when they found themselves trapped in this nightmare land.   Van Richten had arrived in Barovia some time ago and had been hiding out in the disguise of Rictavio. When he revealed himself to Ludmilla, Strahd's First wife, you saw her confidence was shattered and had a look of shock and fear before she fled.


Current Location
Year of Birth
852 83 Years old
Current Residence
White Balding
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