Wizard's Tower Building / Landmark in Barovia | World Anvil
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Wizard's Tower

Rictavio told you that you could find safety at the tower on Lake Baratok. His description matched the Tarroka reading you got from Madam Eva, so these likely are the same.   When you arrived, you observed that the tower was under siege from hundreds of zombies. The tower seemed to have a magical defense in which arcs of lightning would spring up around the tower and killed several of the zombies. However, Adrian Martikov later told you that the area surrounding the tower was under the effects of an Anti-Magic Field, which would mean there shouldn't have been any magical defenses.   After meeting Ezmerelda d'Avenir, she informed you that she was in the tower during this siege. Apparently, while exploring Castle Ravenloft, Ezmerelda triggered a few hundred creatures of Strahd's undead army and had to flee once they started chase.
Tower, Mage
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