Barovia Geographic Location in Barovia | World Anvil
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Almost the entire valley consists of densely forested rough terrain, with sheer cliffs and outcroppings. Few areas are easily traversable, and it was always dangerous to stray off the road. Winters are usually long and bitter.   The sky of Barovia is permanently overcast with storm clouds. Even during the brightest hours of the day, the light was unnaturally muted & dimmed. In many locations, the mists partially or entirely obscured vision.     The valley is located between Mount Baratok to the north and Mount Ghakis to the south. Both mountains were part of a larger mountain range known as the Balinok Mountains. The evergreen forest of the Svalich Woods covers the entire valley, which was trespassed by the Old Svalich Road that ran from East to West. At the center of the valley, south of the slopes of Mount Baratok, is a large lake known as Lake Zarovich, which is fed by melting snow from the mountain.  


  • Village of Barovia: 500 people
  • Vallaki: 1500 people
  • Kresk: 75 people

Fauna & Flora


  • Carrots
  • Turnips
  • Beets
  • Potatoes
  • Radishes
  • Cabbage
  • Mustard greens
  • Kale
  • Collards
  • Garlic
  • Grapes
    Herbs & Flowers      


  • Predators: Wolves, Boar, Bears, Lynx, Foxes
  • Game: Deer, Rabbits, Squirrels, Mice
  • Birds: Ravens, Owls, Falcons, Larks, Jackdaws, Pheasant, Doves, Thrush
  • Other: Rats, Bats
  • Predators: Wolves, Boar, Snakes
  • Game: Muskrats
  • Birds: Ravens, Owls, Larks, Jackdaws, Thrush
  • Other: Rats, Bats, Frogs/Toads
  • Predators: Wolves, Bears, Lynx, Foxes
  • Game: Rabbits, Mountain Goats, Squirrels
  • Birds: Ravens, Owls, Falcons,
  • Other: Rats, Bats
Domestic Environments
  • Food Production: Sheep, Goats, Chickens, Domestic Boar
  • Pets/Labor Animals: Dogs, Cats, Horses, Mules
  • Lake Zarovich None
  • All other bodies of water: Carp, Perch, Pike, Trout

Natural Resources


  • No known resource


  • Evergreen Trees
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