Izek Strazni Character in Barovia | World Anvil
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Izek Strazni

Izek Strazni

Captain of the guard in Vallaki. You have heard rumors about his brutish nature and that he lives in the home of Baron Vargas.   You first met Izek at Blue Water Inn while he was arguing with Danika. When you confronted him, he revealed that he was your brother. He claimed that your ancestors were part of a cult and the rituals performed at the Durst Manor were so evil that their descendants would suffer from a fiendish taint in their bloodline. He claimed that every three to five generations would have physical traits that would be fiendish in nature.   During this conversation, he claimed that he would have dreams of you every night and had witnessed an event where you were suffering. To prove this he showed you a doll he had commissioned in your likeness. Izek also informed you that he suffered from the fiendish taint as well showing you his right arm, which had an inhuman nature to it with large claws and spikes protruding from it.   At one point Izek stated that he would give up his position as captain of the Vallaki Town Guard in order to travel with you. Arabelle, who witnessed all of this began to chastise Izek, shaming him for dropping all of this info on you so abruptly. She told Izek that he would be better-served keeping Ireena safe while you were gone, to which the now embarrassed Izek agreed too.   Whether Izek is truly your brother or not, remains to be seen. However, Izek does truly believe that you are his sister, meaning the captain of the guard in Vallaki would do almost anything you ask.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

The right arm is fiendish in nature, with long claws and spikes protruding from it.

Mental characteristics


Works as Baron Vargas's captain of the guard and enforcer for the town of Vallaki


Family Ties

Sister: You (Allegedly)
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Captain of the guard
Year of Birth
905 30 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
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