The Abbot Character in Barovia | World Anvil
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The Abbot

You met the Abbot at the Abbey of St. Markovia, he was dancing with a human-looking construct named Vasilka. You heard of people discussing his extraordinary healing abilities, and supposedly able to resurrect the dead. However, the Abbot does not accept payment in gold. He instead removes body parts to be used to create flesh golems, a type of construct that can be used for various purposes.   When speaking with the Abbot it is clear that something was off about him as his point of view of thing was out of the norm. Not bothering to remember your name, uncaring that Ezmerelda, the Hunter was wandering around the Abbey unsupervised, even once claiming that you and Ezmereld looked similar to him (despite both of you being a different race).   The Abbot may also be the only one whos able to cure someone of the curse of Lycanthropy. Convenient since there is a Werewolf Den somewhere nearby. The only problem is the price the Abbot requests, although it does seem that you could deceive the Abbot due to his indifference.
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