Chronoloc Isles Geographic Location in Barur | World Anvil
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Chronoloc Isles

Island in the central parts of the Sea of Kings


Mediterrean seas and winds.    Giant island, surrounded by other islands.    The islands are relatively heavily forested, with small streams and enclosed ecosystems.    Giant island has a main mountain chain, the Mountains of Time. This chain births many smaller rivers.


The High Seas and the gifts of the Shell King determine the ecology of these islands. The rivers of the main islands are the main source of fresh water, so the lives of many organisms follow that life cycle.

Ecosystem Cycles

Mediterrean seas and winds. Heavy storms with just as many extreme nights

Localized Phenomena

The Shell King comes to these mountains and rivers every 50 to 100 years. He he gains the above world resources he needs.

Fauna & Flora

Amphisbaenaas well as many other snake types. 
Axe Beak, on the main island
Monkey species on the islands.
Boars on the main islands, brought in by Scions over 100 years ago. Giant boars, too.
Crabs of various sorts
Crocodiles, some quite giant
Various eagles
Giant eels, octopi, lizards etc in the waters.
Sharks of various sorts, fish and dolphins too
Only land predators, Deinonychus, one main pack on each island. They own the southern part of the island, that and orc and goblin hordes. 
Fey: Sprites
Trolls on main island, and northern islands
Harpies in the mountains
Seaspawn haunt the southern edges of the main island as well.

Natural Resources

Lumber, Fresh water, stone and metals from the mountains, fish, coral, pearls, etc.

Articles under Chronoloc Isles

Cover image: by Seth Love


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