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City of Salt: Session 4 and 5

Scene 4: Cotton smuggles them into the prison for Hardy? Next day? Bringing a shipment of watered down:
Melancholic Infused with black bile, this consumable makes the user despondent and serious. A creature that consumes a potion or alchemical mixture infused with melancholic humor must succeed on a DC 12 Charisma save or be affected as if by the calm emotions spell for the duration of the potion or consumable mixture (minimum 1 minute). Cost 450 gp.
  Scene 5: Announcement for the Festival of Blood: 174th Annual Festival

Plot points/Scenes

Scene 1: Apartment: later 12pm, 3rd Day of Light, 697... Cotton has a job to be filled today. 50g to deliver a barrel to the prison. Cotton has waited because a letter came that said Roxana is also there, and she needs birdman to see her today.
Scene 2: Terry arrives to inspect apartment for children. Three momentum points:
Scene 3: Prison scene with Cotton at least. Trade barrel with a Putori Wizard, only. Pay 10g to Wolves at door (have a gem to give: Malachite (opaque striated light and dark green)): Sanity Checks. 4 Momentum vs. Wizard Putori


Turmoil, pain, bloody-life
Loyalty and morality
Completion Date

Cover image: by Seth Love


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