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City of Salt: Session 7-8-9: Blood Benders and Festivals

14th of Light, 2nd Edgewood of the year 697... to the 15th of Light, then the 16th. 

It is just two days hence until the Blood Festival is in full swing. During this week of preparation, the The 4 Ways of Disaster carouse amongst the lords and ladies, merchants and officers of the city; they hope to located Aengiliiz Altopar , wife of Altopar , de facto leader of the 10th House . She has escaped with her life from the city, but now she returns to stop the 12th House from establishing a rule of law beyond what the City of Salt is capable of--blood will turn to power.

Plot points/Scenes

Scene Zero: 3rd of Light, later afternoon... Cotton at the 5th house... 25 go, could have been 50 gp. 5th house expunges contract. DC 15 Perception... bodies... experiments... 12th house representatives.
Scene One: Greendar's Herald's Tavern, midday. Each meeting with a contact for each player... Lust has two other contacts...

1. Lady Altopar has gathered some loyal Godbutchers to hide her. Current whereabouts unknown.
2. She is planning a meeting, a speech, the morning of the Festival. Location unknown.
3. Altopar knows this as well, and he is looking for his wife. This goes sideways, Jim is summoned, others are waylaid, a chase begins. Crowd of people: difficult terrain, DC 12 Strength/Dex, can dash; DC 25 Cha, to avoid, can dash
Scene Two (?): If players do not approach Altopar, he will arrive later in the evening with two thugs per player. They slew some. 9/3/22
Scene Three, 15th of Light... late night... ghouls rampage through streets. Two for the group. 9/17/22, as Eros, Cotton, Birdman go to Matlida's in the 13th District, and Stryke goes to visit Gorgmongr . Random--a few released by accident. Three dozen in total. 
Scene Four: 16th of Light, early morning, 10th House Presses charges on Eros and Stryke. Thugs from 10th and Jim with guards from 1st come. Kids erupt and try to stop this from happening--one is attacked and knocked out. Will Stryke hold? Blood begins to flow around ankles as this happens, trickles more like.
Within the first hour, it is over a foot high; many tiny humanoids have boats out already, and almost everyone is using buckets, tubing, bowls, pots... whatever the have to gather the blood. With in first two hours, up to waste for 10 mins... during that, ghouls attack again... the city erupts for a few moments into chaos, then a few hours of clean up. (The Blood is fine, still usable, but it did wake up the undead--strategically placed--around the city: alchemic delivery devices, activated by the saturated, sanguine fluid) Many of the citizens throw out their blood out of fear of contamination. This 'winter' season will be hard for many. As the blood flow lets up later in the evening,

Cover image: by Seth Love


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